Hawaiian Yellow Tang $300 if collect today (Otherwise $380)
Blue Tang $60.
Both fishes ML size and feeding well. Selling as bigger fishes aggressive to it. Will be catching today.
Collection at Sengkang. PM me if interested and time can collect. Priority wil be given to those who can collect both and the earliest.
Tangs - Purple Tang, Sailfin Tang, Sohal Tang, Blonde Naso Tang
Angels - Emperor, Blue Ring, Blue Face, Majestic etc
Trigger - Clown Trigger etc
Fishes must be feeding. PM me details and cost if you letting go. Thanks.
Large Magnifica Anemone chendol colour open 2 palm sizes and 1 RBTA fist size both at $70.
PM me if interested. Need to detach anemones first once confirmed.