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Everything posted by veliferium

  1. wah,speedmaster,u really got a lot of money.....
  2. Last ones seems lyk a sponge to me..
  3. Ask DA,he's got a regal in his reef......
  4. Oh no there r algae growing in the DSB,brown & green. Wad will happen
  5. Eh,my sandbed has lots of bubbles,the part is not directed at the sun
  6. in wad ways does the trigger inspires u is it diificult to feed?
  7. Take a look at the sponsor forum... Iwarna is a good choice.......ML is also a good choice....There is a lot others out there....
  8. Picture too big,most probably are nudis,u can kill them by a FW dip or lugols dip...
  9. yup i agree wif DeepBlue............ u need a shallow tank for T5,moreover the tubes have to be ATI.Other than these,u have to place the SPS at the top of the tank where they will receive most light......... MHs are the way to go for SPS.
  10. for me i will say AT and clown tang,i have heard u have to flood the whole holding container wif food in order to get them to eat(clown Tang)
  11. Wad is zeovit anyway???? .I have seen it,its like CR but you have to keep on stirring it rite???
  12. I have heard of orange sun corals,black ones and re ones but not super onesssss .Wad are u talking aboutZ???
  13. so many types of worm.............seems like a ribbon worm to me..maybe a pic will help..........
  14. its normal.......................>.<
  15. aiyah, for me black tang is enuff...............Don't eva be too greedy
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