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Everything posted by veliferium

  1. hi guys,i managed to get two pieces of alpheus soror from CF last week. Unknowingly,i bought them,thought that they could pair up with my yellow watchman goby. I managed to only introduce one of them into the main tank while the other is still in a betta box.Would they like kill each other if both are inside the main tank?cos i saw the two squabbling while i acclimatised them two.And do they have both male and female reproductive organs like cleaner shrimps?
  2. they are not really safe with small fishes.
  3. would like to trade 2 of the above with any other reef-safe invert. transaction would be done at tiong bahru MRT station
  4. lol,you're in aquaculture club?
  5. anyone have been breeding baggai cardinals?don't want to get from LFS,heard that they are endangered in the wild right now.and,captive breds are supposedly more hardy and adapt better to life in captivity would like to get a pair or two from anyone,size matters,preferably at least 2 inches
  6. i read from RC that people QT their angels before they introduce into their main tanks,and they treat with prapizo for internal parasites.what is this internal parasites that they are talking about?
  7. the prices of LS seems to be rising.i remember a geometric hawk cost much lesser a few years back. and the thompsoni tang is very cute.nice size too.
  8. RB majestic angels blue tangs quite a few peppermint hogfish,but not sure of if it B.sepicaudus or B.opercularis lots of cleaner wrasse too,though its not the normal kind,has a yellowish tinge on the head. yellow wrasses.
  9. Great!have been waiting to see pictures of those that you have.nice hogfish you have there.looks pretty large
  10. opps.i just did a search and i forgotten about this thread. thank you for the advice. i'm still doing okay.how are things for you
  11. wthh.did you change the lights?how much did you dose.need to monitor the iodine levels?
  12. not my map lar..found it in the LFS directory
  13. LFS directory on google maps nah...here's an interactive site for some of the LFS.can be found in LFS thread.
  14. well,i suppose there are several in LCK, Pasir ris.
  15. hey just managed to see this post.which poly are you going? biomedical sciences is not a particularly easy course to study.lots of memorising of terms.most importantly need to have interest in all those medical terms and chemistry. for me,i'm in biotechnology in SP.
  16. as above?how big do they grow.and will they turn aggressive towards my pencil wrasse?currently this guy is around 2 inches. pencil wrasse is about 3 1/2 inches. i do see it snatch alot of food from the pencil wrasse during feeding time.
  17. any orchid dottybacks seen? i know its kind of a seasonal fish,only occuring when there is a red sea shipment,but nevertheless...
  18. gobies and blennies make good candidates. tangs will most probably outgrow the tank,angels too... ever thought about cardinals?
  19. nope.i dun think its possible..triggers are territorial fish...in the wild,they are usually solitary creatures.they mostly get together only when they mate...thats wad i believe
  20. yep...dere are green leathers and these are usually not as common as those yellow ones
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