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Everything posted by veliferium

  1. omg,captive bred-pinnatus batfish

  2. IMO an arabian beauty,Apolemichthys xanthotis Hawaii endemic pipefish,Dunckerocampus baldwini
  3. is PE mysis available in SG?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. veliferium


      same.occasionally i will go to the library to look at the fama magazines.almost brand new cause ppl rarely touch them.

    3. yikai


      yah. but inside the stuff quite basic. but sometimes break so just browse through.. the pics quite nice.

    4. veliferium


      ya.our forums are definitely more diverse.(Y)

  4. Oh i see.hmm,i wonder what actually is the yellow target goby.. From the looks,high chance it could be a neon goby?
  5. How small are the Tryssogobious.Are they the blue-eyed gobies?
  6. hmm,thanks. shall find a way to put a cover over.
  7. do these have the ability to revert back to females? i think i gotten all three males,two of around the same size while there's a smaller one.hope they don't behave like firefishes,leaving me with only one in the end
  8. got these flasher wrasses from CF. they look like Paracheilinus mccoskeri to me.
  9. What will happen if you put three sub-adult male flasher wrasses together in the same tank?hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yikai


      even with eggcrates it's not fully effective. they may jump through.

      yes jumping is a problem especially with flashers.

      may i ask what species?

    3. veliferium


      i am not very sure yet.

      will post a photo to let you guys id soon.

      definitely not the reddish ones(lineopunctatus,cyaneus).

      they all look orangy with blue stripes.and they're pretty small,like 2 inches from head to tail?

      they caught my eye when they were flashing their little red single dorsal fins.

    4. yikai


      Paracheilinus flavianalis.

      flavianalis have usually one (rarely 2-4) and it is red. a picture will confirm the ID.

      can be differentiated with mccosker wrasse (also 1 filament). but flavianalis has yellow anal fin and red dorsal filament.

  10. these are commonly known as Sympodium spp. i have one rock in my tank as well.they resemble xenias pretty much i find that they do well with low to medium lights and i place them on some rocks. they do well with low flow rate.but i think random flow is good for them,in order to remove excess detritus which may otherwise accumulate on them,as with all other corals. here's an article on them http://www.reeflex.net/tiere/3454_Sympodium_sp..htm
  11. http://liveaquaria.com/DiversDen/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+3&ddid=108395 Crosshatch pair on DD.
  12. not in this way???i suppose.hahaha snails doing asexual budding?i think its quite scary
  13. while i was looking at my tank,i noticed something red on one of my snail.At first,i thought it was just algae,so i ignored it. When the snail crawled closer to my front viewing glass,i noticed that the red spot had feelers and after awhile,it sort of moved. I don't know if its another snail or some hitchhiker barnacle or somesort. Is anyone able to ID it?
  14. lemon's 1) Lysmata amboinensis 2) Nemateleotris helfrichi 3) Labroides dimidiatus 4) Apolemichthys arcuatus 5) Pseudanthias ventralis 6) Pseudanthias flavoguttatus 7) Genicanthus personatus 8) Hypoplectrus gummigutta 9) Liopropoma rubre 10)Gramma loreto 11)Chaetodon tinkeri X quadrimaculatus 12)Pseudanthias carlsoni
  15. lemon: 1) Lysmata amboinensis 2) Nemateleotris helfrichi 3) Labroides dimidiatus 4) Apolemichthys arcuatus 5) Pseudanthias ventralis 6) Pseudanthias flavoguttatus 7) Genicanthus personatus 8) Hypoplectrus gummigutta 9) Liopropoma multilineatum 10)Gramma loreto 11)Chaetodon quadrimaculatus
  16. isit a snooty wrasse aka Cheilinus oxycephalus?
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