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Zixuan last won the day on August 21

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    Marine, Freshwater, Tech

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  1. Wts the above mentioned, 90pp open to nego/trades
  2. Bumps, some sold. Here's what's left! - $10 - $25 - $20 - $30 - $20
  3. Want to sell the following Acroporas. Smaller ones for $20, bigger for $30. ID Below picture Blue body pink coralite tenuis Green body gold corallites milliepora Small bluish-green stag Big bluish-green stag, same as above Gold coralite, red polyp microclados (still needs burning) Blue body pink coralite tenuis Gold body red polyp granulosa
  4. tentatively reserved, thanks!
  5. Bumps, deal at 70 if keen
  6. Bump, picture in-case the video doesn't load!
  7. IMG_6635.mp4 Looking to sell the above chalice on the left! $80, decently sized frag 3-4cm. PM if keen, collect tiong bahru
  8. Updates! Radions & Chiller sold, left with orphek!
  9. Update for the weekend! PM, open to nego!
  10. Hi everyone, have the following to sell. Welcome to view first before buying. Hailiea HS28A 1/10HP chiller, comes with internal temp probe and external temp probe, $120 - used 1.5 years Orphek OR3 Day Plus (60cm), 100% LEDs working, $80 - used 1.5 years XR15 G6 Pros, 100% LEDs working, $700 - used for less than 1 year Note that since items have been used, I do not have the boxes already.
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