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Everything posted by Kaf

  1. How long you been dosing those before you get such coraline growth?
  2. Don't think you need to go to MH if yours is a LPS and softies tank, unless you going into SPS and clams. That would means you need to invest in chiller as well since MH produce too much heat. For 2 ft I think 4 x T5 will be enough. If you really want to get MH then probably 1 x 75 watts with 2 T5 or 1 x 150 watts with 1-2 T5. Just my 2 cents. Cheers. Kevin
  3. It's expelled zooxathellae. Used to be jd_n's fungia, bought it from him.
  4. Ya around 0.03 - 0.04 mg/l. I think I see a worm around that piece of rock but a very thin one and only saw part of it.
  5. wah so fast. luckily the fishes too big for me.
  6. Try to test always test your ph around the same time. If you test it at nite the first time, do it at around the same time on your 2nd test. It's more accurate that way since ph fluctuates. Cheers Kevin
  7. It's under another thread you started asking bout water parameters. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=20949&hl=
  8. Saw my zoo spewing out threads like stuffs and one of it got carried near the fungia and it just grab it with it's tentacles and start eating it. P/s : Jd your plate feeds on anything that falls into its path by the current.
  9. only a green mandarin, a pair of seahorse and 2 cleaner shrimp
  10. Just came back from his place, still alot of goodies left. Got what I wanted too. minsmarine, the orange brown monti cap is big and worth it for that price. I got a 5 times smaller one which is more expensive. Different color though. P.S : Don't PM him about those red red LPS. He is not selling as far as I know or I would have reserved.
  11. no clicking sound. I sleep beside my tank at nite. But once I saw a worm like thing, thin with many legs, like e centipede. Not sure what it is. But I took out the rock and soak it in boiling water. Though even after the treatment there's no dead worm corpse. Maybe run away onto other rock. Still puzzled why the blood shrimp died.
  12. Dead. It just molted 2 weeks ago. I got it out from the tank, it's the whole dead shrimp not just the shell.
  13. My blood shrimp was still eating and swimming about before I went to bed and when I woke up it's lying dead at his station dead. Am wondering what may have caused his death. Mantis shrimp? Water parameters all ok. Thanks Kevin
  14. Have to reserve fast when you set your eyes on anything, bet the nice and unique ones getting reserved like hot cakes. Good luck in your sales.
  15. Now this is my dog, Touche Ya that's his mattress and blanket
  16. My dog..... errrr my rabbit named Rum actually.
  17. Congrats. A new chapter in life is about to embark.
  18. The anemone is trying to adjust it's internal water chemistry when it expand and shrink and also trying to flush out it's wastes. (it only got 1 mouth) How many times is it expanding and shrinking a day? Your anemone is either injured or stressed and it's expelling it's zooxanthellae if it's dark brown in color. Light color smoke like is spawning. Is there a sudden spike in any water parameters?
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