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Everything posted by Kaf

  1. Am glad to announce that I've added a FREE ecard service on the site for everyone. You can check it out here. FREE eCard Service
  2. Hi all, I've re-do some part of the site and taken out the flash image changer as well as added in more info for each individual design service. Please give me your comments again. Fyusion Thanks for helping. Cheers Kevin
  3. I've seen your site. Will keep you in mind when I need some stocks photos. Cheers. Kevin
  4. I planning to remove the the side flash image changer. Thanks for your comments.
  5. Been very busy with work and running own business. Not much time to indulge more in reefing. Just launched my own company website recently and do hope that bros and sis here can visit can give me your comments. Of course if got lobang to pass better. Fyusion Cheers Kevin
  6. 1) diabolus - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 2) hermit - 1 x L, 1 x xL (both black design 2) 3) weishun - 1 x M, 1 x XS (Both White Design) 4) pegasus1010 - 1 x M White Design 2, 1 x M Black Design 2 5) ahloon - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 6) hamannbmw - 1 x L Black Design 2 7) iori_del - 1 x L 8) livebait- 1 x L BD2 9) dleecool - 1 X L (Black design 1) 10) shoelevy - 1 x M 11) Kurt Cobain- 1 x XXL black colour...design 2.... 12) shawncel - 1 x L Black Design 2, 1 x L White Design 2 13) Peh - 1 x L 14) wave_r - 1 x XL 15) shiraz - 1 x XXL? 16) Rapalla - 1 x L Black Design 2 17) Marinehobbist - 1 x XXL, 1 x L, 1 xM Black Design 2 18) Cheese - 1, L, White, Design 2, 19)lhraiders - 1 x XXL Black design 2 20) mwang - 1 x M White Design 2 21) prec - 1 X M Black design 22) kaykay - 1 x M. White. Design#2 23) rshut - 1 x m Black Design 1 & 2 24) XPeriment 626 - 1 x XL, 1 x XS, both Black Design 2 pls! 25) Mars-1x XL Design#2 black 26) Lester - 1 X M design #2 White pls :thanks 27) aCe^bOwleRz - 1 x M black - design 2 28) ReDDeviLs - 1 x L, 1 x M - 1white and 1black design 2 29) zulu-lulu 1 x XL (both black) both design 30) ckevin- 1 x L (Design 2) Black 31) mUAr_cHEe 1 X XL, 1 X XS (Design 2) Black 32) acura007 1 x M, 1x S (Design 2) White 33) daimy068 1 x M (Design 1) White 34) LoReNsIa 1 x XL White (design 1) 1 x XL black.. (design 2) 35) Seafood 1 x M (Design1) Black 36) Zappy Kiwi 1 x L (Design 2) White 37) Clownfish 1 X M (Design 1) black 38) blueheaven 1xL (Design 1) white (would like it if can have nick at sleeve) 39) jonathan543 1xM white(Design 1), 1xM white(Design 2)(agreed wit blueheaven, preferred nick on sleeve... more personalised heheh) 40) Kaf 1 x S, 1 x M - White (Design 1) 1 x S, 1 x M - White (Design 2)
  7. I have a 500l/hr and a 1700 l/hr pump to aid circulation in my nano. And also the output from my eheim. Been using this setup for a long time, no problem at all. Fishes like to go against the flow and play with the current especially myflame angel.
  8. I can help with Booth Manning and with the artwork if materials are given. Just an example of something I've done recently not sure if it''s up to standard. I love photoshop
  9. Looking for RBTA about 4 inches in size. Please let me know if any bro seen any.
  10. Selling a ATI Twin-Fix Retrofit - 2 x 24 watts / 2 feet. With:- 2 x Aquaz Parabolic reflector 1 x Aquaz Actinic Blue tube 1 x Aquaz Blue Plus tube. Used for 1 year. ATI Twin-Fix Retrofit Selling for $150. Those who are interested please drop me a PM with your contact. Cheers, Kaf
  11. Thanks. What's the name of the farm beside lot 35 pasir ris?
  12. As above. Looking for RBTA about 4-5 inch in size. Please let me know if any bro seen any. thanks. Kaf
  13. I have this if you need. Learn Japanese? I think I have level 1-3 but not the quick and simple. I'll check through my CDs tomorrow.
  14. It's only one week of cycling, just let it cycle and don't worry about the nitrite now. Test your water parameters after another 2 weeks. Don't change water during cycling, you may change 20% of water after the cycling is done before you add in LS. As for the Coralife salts, you can test it yourself after mixing to see if it contains any nitrates. The nitrates probably come from your tap water unless you are using a RO/DI unit. Btw NO2 is nitrite not nitrate.
  15. Seahorse given to a fellow reefer. Thread closed.
  16. Haha so fast. When is the new tank coming?
  17. No reply usually means no one has seen it recently. If you want to buy this fish so much, try calling all the different LFS and ask if they have it. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=25
  18. Want to swop my pair of tiger-tail seahorse for any corals. Size is about 3 inches. Not willing to pass to LFS, but if no takers will probably do it. Anyone interested please PM me. Thanks Kevin
  19. There's a water flow valve on the top of the inlet (black in color) to control the water flow. As for the air, you need to buy a air valve from local LFS and fix it yourself. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20720 You have to tune it to minimise the bubbles, and if you still can't get rid of it, just use a pair of stocking (not socks) and cover the outlet. Don't forget to remove the stocking and clean it often.
  20. Can try contacting Ian, one of the sponsor here. His is acrylic though. For glass you can try kelantan lane.
  21. To minimise the bubbles you can use stockings to cover up the outlet. Cheers Kevin
  22. I will post my so called "ang kong kong" in a few days time. All not fully opened yet. But still no where compare to the guys here.
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