4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank wit hood .tank brown in color wit chengai stand.free 3 ft sump n pump.Its 12mm in thickness wit euro bracing.partially encrusted by coralline algae in the tank.set up 2 yrs ago.pls use own transportation.Cost $150 (neg)1 pcs hydor koralia 4 - $100sand grade 1 - FREElive rocks consist of tonga branches n medium rock aprox 30 to 40 kg - $40 (neg)1 pyjamas cardinal fish about 1.5 inches-$101 tireless sea cucumber bought from marine life -$51 white tiger goby 1.5 inches -$10sand goby 2 inches bought from ML -$101 macro skimmer (dont know wht model but able to skim my 4 ft tank )-$50pls bring own container n to collected on sat 22nd dec.thanks :thanks:my nomber 98257203