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Everything posted by mlyj21

  1. Ok nice Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Thanks for the review Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Think it’s easier for u to check out suppliers in China, no point looking around in sg Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Great tank! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Do pm me if any of u all have any gorgonians, Kenya trees or any leather coral! Or any orange zoas like sunny D, mandarin orange or sunkist, preferably in the west. Thanks!! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Still avail? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Looks like rhodactis mushroom coral
  8. Hey all, have seen a lot of reefers on this platform having a lot of success with keeping Pulsing Xenia. Have been keeping other soft corals and zoas and even some LPS like hammers in my 32gal, but so far I haven't had any success with this seemingly "beginner" coral. Anyone has any advice on how to keep them? My tank parameters are as follows: salinity: 1.026 nitrate: 25 ppm phosphate: 0.1 ppm pH: 8.15 alkalinity: 7.0 dkh calcium: 415 ppm I understand that my nitrate level may be a little high for my reef tank, and the alkalinity could also be higher for the corals. I do 10% water changes weekly and I am using a HOB skimmer and filter. With my current experience with xenia, they just stop pulsing and after a few weeks they start shrinking and melting. Is there any specific parameter I am missing out on? I have heard that I need to look at my magnesium levels and should I dose trace elements? Thanks in advance and if anyone in the west has any spare frags for me to try again, i would gladly appreciate it
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