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Reza San

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Posts posted by Reza San

  1. Yup can try. But go slow. And try to read up and research your first new addition properly.

    Resist any temptation to buy fish that are for advanced level hobbyist or that requires a matured tank to thrive e.g Mandarin Fish. Go with common clown, chromis, pistol / shrimp goby if you want. You can spend more time observing those fishes and telling the owner to feed the fish. Make sure they are feeding properly.

    Proper acclimation is key as well so get those equipments ready. All ze best!

    Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk

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  2. I'm using refractometer. Bought calibration fluid to calibrate them. Only to realise RO water works just fine. As long your corals are doing fine it shouldnt be too much of a problem.

    I always aim for 1.0255 to give room for errors.
    I do have an ATO as well to compensate for the evaporation. As and when, I will just get hold of the refractometer and check the water again to make sure all is good. Just ensuring stability is in check.

    Had friends who uses Milwaukee ones. Extremely faster and those digital ones are easier to read. (Doesn't require squinting your eyes).

    Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk

  3. Hi Reefers, 

    Any advise on beginner fish to start with? I've seen a lot of fishes in LFS and they're so beautiful. Some are cheap and some are very costly.

    For a nano 10g (2 months cycle w dry rocks), what can I start with? And maximum number of fishes? Open for discussion as well.

    Tried putting in some clowns, chromis but didn't turn out well after a few weeks. There's no issue with corals though.
    Have some Zoas, Duncan and an Elegance coral.

    Do I need to wait awhile longer to put in fish?

  4. Hi there, beginner level reefer. Started out with a 10g nano tank about a month ago. So much to learn from the experts here. Generally spend about 2 hours a day acquiring knowledge through this forum and reading articles online . Learning from reefer's mistakes and not to repeat it. One key thing I learn in this hobby is to take it really slow.

    Some things are not meant to be rush. The anxiety and worrisome will make things worst. Sometimes the problem is not even there. But yea thats human being.. We chase for perfection but the imperfection is what that makes it perfect. 

    Cheers all!


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