Selling Resun chiller - CL650 (less than 6 mths old) with receipt. Still under warranty. $330 neg.
Seldom use, currently using Pac Coo. Want to sell to clean up my store room.
Interested, please PM me
Hi newbie here...
Can someone tell me how long can i put in those coral, bubble etc?
did NO2 & NO3 kill it?
Currently my new tanks only 7 days old..With 20KG of LR.
Thinking to add in some coral? aNy comments? thx in advance..
hijackng.. Just want to check with you how u setup ur camera?
i mean the value of the aperture and shuter speed?..
Are u using macro?
Really nice and clear which photo u took....
Hopr i can take my like u...
Hi all,
Just got the 14KG of LR from PasirRis fish Farm.. and add into the tank.. day 5..
So take out the prawn...
So what should i do now?
Oh.. also add in 1 zebra damsel inside the tank..