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Everything posted by dandelion76

  1. Any update on CF and LCK110? Am into yuma, zoo, hammer, frogspawn etc.... tank quite new, still stocking up.... dare not try exotic stuffs too... worry if they would do well in my still new tank
  2. I add a 4" PC fan (housed inside the casing) to blow across my 150W MH whenever it's turned on. The casing is just slighty warm (perhaps ~ 40C). Can put my hand on the casing for long long time without getting it BBQ
  3. Yeah I saw another pair in his sump on Fri's evening. Was thinking of rescaping my tank before getting the most orange pair.. seen them in his tank for months already so I thought can get them later.. just two days down the road two pair are gone... sigh... Nemo craze again (or shark craze... SHARK TALE ) Nvm.. I live very near to ML... wait for Henry to bring in even more orange pair (or may be tomoto red percula )
  4. Sugi I believe you are refering to 3000 l/h huh?
  5. Sorry bro, lost the link (didn't know which site I downloaded it from liao ). Well basically you can always browse through reef keeping forums and you should be able to find nicely scaped tank photos in it. Happy searching
  6. Thanks bro. I am thinking of buying the percular clown (my gf wants it ) Will not get the multi band angel. Thank for ur advice.
  7. Hi Roidan, Oh really.. must come over to your place and take a look at the skimmer someday, will bring along a stool I agree with what you said. Well there's no ideal solution to IP as only the rich and richers could affort licensing or maintaining a patent (and to sue whoever infringing them ). It's sad to many of us here when such masterpieces are not available in the market due to low demand and IP problem.
  8. I have DIYed the same over-flow for my system. You can actually start the siphon by this method. 1. Close the outlet of the overflow with end-cap (or turn off the ball valve if you have one in the outlet). 2. Fill the "taller tube" with water until almost overflow. 3. Cover the "taller tube" with your end cap or something that is airtight (I use a drilled end-cap and cover the drilled hole with my finger ). 4. Turn on your return pump and let the water filled to about 1" - 1.5" above the surface skimmer's opening. 5. Here's the crucial step. Release the end cap at the over flow outlet, water will now flowing out from the over-flow pipe to you sump. DON'T release the "taller tube" end cap yet untill the siphon has established. (usually when the water level has almost reduced to the skimmer's opening the siphon should have well established). It's better to cover the "taller tube" opening with a drilled end cap for two reasons: 1. Reduce of noise 2. Auto-break (and thus a half siphon is maintained) and Auto-start of siphoning. In addition, you can't compare the flow rate of this design to that of direct siphoning. The opening at the "taller tube" to atmospheric pressure reduce the siphoning power of the over-flow pipe, but yet it's important to have this opening or else your siphon will break and would not start automatically when your return pump is turned off for feeding/maintanence/power break down OR once the water level in your surface skimmer is lower than the intake opening. To increase the overflow rate, you can either increase the size of the over-flow pipe or increase the height difference between the tank water level to the siphon break-off point (lower level of the "T" section of the over-flow pipe). By using a larger overflow pipe, pressure lost along the pipe will be reduced (smaller pipe resulted in larger pressure lost compare to larger pipe for a given length, that's why very large pipes are used in transporting water from JB to Singapore ). By using a larger pipe, the reduction in pressure lost will improve the flow rate. The increased in the height difference actually increases the "pressure" of the siphoning (it's the same kind of pressure (head) in the pumps we used, so 1 feet difference will translate in the 1 feet of pressure head). The larger the difference in height, the larger the siphoning pressure. So after going through the many twists and turns in your overflow pipe the water would still have more "pressure" left to rush it thru the overflow outlet, and thus the higher flowrate of your over-flow system. Hope this help.
  9. OMG... I am speachless Can't imargine a skimmer that is even taller than me (I am 1.84 m tall ) In protecting the Master's Interlectual Property, what about licensing the design/fabrication rights to other DIY gurus here (and the Master get certain percentage of $$ with each skimmer sold)? After all this is how most IPs are protected for the interest of their inventors. Just my 2 cents. Sorry for a little
  10. Thanks bro. Got to get them fast else my GF will start to make noise liao (she's already making lots of noise ) After that I am free to choose LS that I like, no more noise
  11. Am looking for percular clown, any one sighted healthy pair of ~ 1.5 " in LFS? Henry's display tank's percular pair just sold, was thinking of buying last Fri.. sob sob ..
  12. This one looks great too... (downloaded from the web... am I infringing other ppl's copyright? )
  13. Hi Sis, I am looking for an auto top-up that can holds ~10 litres (or more) of water. U have anything like that (DIY, tubby etc.) to karang-guni?
  14. Bro, if coyote66 take the pump I will take the test kits: Please PM me the price.
  15. Hi Bro, PMEd you on Phytoplankton.
  16. I bought a 2 feet 150 MH from yorky 2 weeks ago and found it in extremely good condition. If I have another tank I will have grab this 3 feet right away. Definitely worth buying. Go for it reefers! Up for your sales too, Bro Yorky.
  17. Upzz... anyone else letting go pump with > 3000 l/h rated flow rate?
  18. Hi, Yes me again. I am currently sourcing a return pump for my 2' tank, plan to use half of the flow to drive weipro skimmer, so high flowrate (>3000 l/h) & high head preffered. Any one letting go their 2nd hand pump either Eheim 1260/1262, Sicce, Aquabee or Rio HF20 kindly please PM me. Also intereted in getting a 2nd hand PL (Single/double tubes) to suplement my 150W MH (don't want to turn on the MH for >5 hours, too hot), any one letting go? Many many thanks in advance.
  19. The response to my post was suddently so good that there're actually 5-6 MH set available for sale. Amazing. Anyway, got a 2 footer from a kind reefer who responded to me early this morning. It's not a high end one but as a beginner I think I shall start from there. Will post again if I decides to upgrade later (that's what most reefers do rite Thread close. Thank you for your attention.
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