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Everything posted by henryh

  1. My 7 gallon cube is having some green hair algae problem... and my blue-leg hermit doesn't seem be that interested in the algae. Anyone has some spare algae-eating snail to give away or sell?
  2. henryh


    Green Star Polyps
  3. Looks really pretty! I wish my Zoas frags can grow faster.
  4. Beautiful. I’m still waiting for my new green star to open up.
  5. +1. I took Xenia as my first coral and it has grown an extra 1/3 in size in almost 2 weeks...
  6. I guess you'll need to keep trimming it back or isolate it on it's own island. I just got a frag of Xenia last week and it has grown noticeably bigger in size already only within one week. This coral is so crazy.
  7. Looking forward to it!
  8. I'm going through the same phase, the diatom seems to stop intensify after a week and now it stays relatively the same. Hope it will go away by itself soon.
  9. This site is so informative and useful! Thanks for sharing.
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