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Mochi last won the day on April 24 2021

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  1. Ups More frags available for the long weekend! Additional: 1 lavender hairy mushroom opens up to 8-9cm++ - $25 pm for pics
  2. all reserved / collected by very nice reefers closed
  3. Prices revised to clear remaining frags Speckled krak 1pp $30 Rainbow infusion 2pp $10
  4. Giving away x2 large turbo snails Can collect tonight. FCFS Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Location: Tampines East
  5. Kamikaze kush and flaming sun found willing to trade for other unique zoas / baby yumas / mushrooms, still have frags available!
  6. I have some sunkist bounce mushroom babies / frags up for sale or trades Willing to trade with other baby unique shrooms / gonio Will consider premium zoas as well! Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Location: Tampines East Mother:
  7. Speckled krak 1pp $35 Rainbow infusion 2pp $15 3pp $20 Vampire slayer 1pp $10 Looking for these zoas / unique ones kamikaze kush pink hallucination flaming sun Self collection only (Tampines East) Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Feel free to PM me for pics of individual frags as well. Mother colonies:
  8. Very pretty zoas, please show your cute flame hawkfish!
  9. I have used the exact same chinese chiller in the picture above and also switched to hailea 28a few months after, ran both on my old 10 gallon nano. One thing I noticed was that the chinese chiller ran for longer periods of time as it took longer to reach the temperature set. Now I've upgraded to a 40 gallon and still continued using the same hailea chiller. TLDR; hailea is a great option if you do have plans to upgrade in near future
  10. Nice tank! Keeping track for updates on your progress
  11. I'm using a 2ft IOS tank (40g) and also a chiller, it isn't a bad idea if you just want a set up that is not too space consuming, but also depends on what you plan to stock the tank with I got my IOS tank custom made at Fresh and Marine if that helps!
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