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Everything posted by Mel

  1. WTS Alveopora skeleton about 7-8cm. $40 sorry for the low quality photo due to the coral very far from the front glass. photo and video shot with iPhone + 20k yellow filter. IMG_6234.MOV
  2. 1) Gold Hammer 1H open 4-5cm $30 2) Blue slightly gold hammer 1 H open 4cm $25 3) Green White Tip Torch colony 5-6H open 8-10cm $70 4) Green Pink Tip small colony 2H ( 1H 2 conjoin, 1H 3conjoin) $70 5) Toxic Green yellow tip Frogspawn open 7-8cm $45 6) Yellow Hammer 3H open 7-8cm $50 7 Red Cynarina Open 5-7 cm - $45
  3. Yellow lash blue tip and white face gonio. skeleton 2-2.5cm. tentacles fully extended 4-5cm. $45
  4. Hai Yang chai chi have some very nice purple tang. L size
  5. Open about 15cm, Rusty gold and white tip. Attach some photo snap at LFS.
  6. WTS Neon Green Plate - $40 open 6-7cm Purple Plate - $40 open 5-6cm take both $70
  7. BNIP Accidentally order 2 pcs. RSP $128 Let go at $100.
  8. Purple Body Gold Tip hammer Open 7-8 cm (Wall) - $45 Purple Body Gold Tip Hammer Open 6-7 cm (Wall) - $45 Orange Rim Bullseye mushroom 5cm rock more than 5 heads - $50 collection at Sengkang.
  9. L Open 8-11cm - $15 S Open 4-6cm - $ 10 collection at Sengkang.
  10. I have another rock with 1P 3cm + 1P 2cm + some GSP $25
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