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Everything posted by Smoist

  1. hence why im asking if i got ripped off or not cause i know their prices are pretty okay, under blue light
  2. i bought this palythoa at ah beng aquarium for $20, but i accidentally took the wrong one and the colour isnt nice, is it really $20 this one?
  3. I have bad experience wuth xenia they immediatly die, for me ill say zoa mushroom or acan
  4. Hi im looking to buy blue star polyp around west side pioneer or central yio chu kang
  5. I just bought this ricordea yesterday but its just floating around, is it dying? If not then if any of you want it you csn trade with me like green majano or asterina
  6. i think this is the guy http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/crustacea/crab/grapsidae/metopograpsus.htm climbing crab
  7. hi im looking for asterina starfish willing to pay a bit
  8. Is that like a person or a place? I cant find it in google
  9. sea lettuce you can find at singapore beach during low tides
  10. looking for macroalgae, even the pest kind ye
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