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  1. japanese toad on a 5cm frag $45 ironman discosoma small $30 medium $40 large $50 aussie duncans (20heads) $30 electus jawbreakers (tri color) both on rock, same lineage one red with yellow green streaks one yellow with red streaks going at $250 pink green yuma mushroom on 5cm plate $30 DM if of interest COLLECTION WOODLANDS/ADMIRALTY
  2. jap toad and palm size purple toad reserved
  3. 2x jap toad (med &small) & purple toadfrag reserved
  4. Interstellar Disco: $50 Jawbreaker (Red & Yellow-green): $160 Aussie Duncan Colony (>15 heads): $35 Watermelon Discosoma: $20 Superman Disco: $15 CandyCrush Disco (green streaks at edges): $80 Japanese Toadstool (long tentacle + White tip): $30 Japanese Toadstool (Big & Small): $30 Purple Toadstool (Palmsize): $20 Purple Toadstool (Frag Size): $10 Big Paly colony on a plate: $30 Any question please DM me, collection area Admiralty
  5. Big colony up for grab, 25 for whole branch collection admiralty area Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Ups Price negotiable Adding this handful peel of gsp for $10
  7. Full neon green stylocoeniella encrusted everything $45
  8. Adding this aussie Duncan more than 10 heads $50
  9. Side note, the weird line on the Big monti piece is the wound from cutting, heal and encrusting back liao
  10. Clearing 3 frag for spaceee Ssc microclados $50 stable and encrusting Beach bum monti Small $80 Big $140 Big growing piece of blue digi $15(shiny polyp but bad photo) Pm for contact Collection admiralty anytime this week
  11. yes it's normal, especially if you're filter bag is the finer one, they get clogged easily. but over time as your water gets more stable and cleaner the filter bag won't be clogged that easily
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