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Everything posted by Validator

  1. But I cannot tahan... the pretty colors...
  2. Hi Jiaen, thanks for the pointers and I see where you are coming from. I had a freshwater tank that I managed to maintain with just plants managing my nitrate levels so I have fallen in love with this approach to nutrient management. Was hoping to do the same with the refugium. But your points are duly noted.
  3. Hi so sorry late to the party. what is that device you are using in the second and third picture? Is it like a refugium of sorts? Where can I get something like this?
  4. Thank you for the reply. hmmm really trying to get a small footprint skimmer so that I can still do the refugium and that bubble magus Z looked like it really fit the bill. Not much reviews on the internet about it though.
  5. Thanks Evolutionz, that BubbleMagus Skimmer looks like it was made for that little corner! But does it get in the way of your ATO reservoir? Edit : I noted that you took it out later. Any reviews on it?
  6. Thanks this is useful. I found it interesting that some fishes that are commonly labeled as peaceful are labeled as semi-aggressive instead in this list. This corroborates with the feedback I have seen on the internet about some of these peaceful fishes.
  7. Thanks Joseph and yes I was eyeing that because I saw one guy on youtube who was using that and could partition off a space for the refugium. Just that my planned budget overshot with all the wants and wish lists. So was thinking if I can dial back on some of the big ticket items would be nice.
  8. Hi Joseph, thanks for your pointers. I did look at the Red Sea Skimmers and noted that they tended to have big foot prints that took up a large portion of the skimmer chamber where I want to place a small refugium so thought of going for a skimmer which took up less space.
  9. Hi All, I am hoping to set up a Red Sea Reefer 200XL in the near future. I discovered that the set ups don't include the return pump and the skimmer are not included. Looking for advice on the equipment I can consider based on the following criteria for a budget conscious new reefer. Return Pump - Red Sea website suggested a 2000L per hour pump. I would like something that is quiet and performs well. Skimmer - would like to get one with a smaller footprint that won't take up too much space in the sump as I hope to have a refugium in the sump as well. Should be quiet. Not sure what else to look out for in a skimmer. Lighting - I would probably go with the Reef LEDs for this. I like the idea that the stand can be lifted up to access the tank. Any other lights that can do that and also can be programmed? Flow generation - looking for recommendations on DC wave makers that would be suitable for such this size set up so that I can vary the flow. Chiller - I might get one at a later time due to feedback that I need one for corals. I do intend to just keep softies since I hear they are more forgiving. I would like to get one with a small footprint. Any other inputs invited. Forgive the noobish questions.
  10. Thanks for the idea. I was getting alot of inspirations through Youtube. I thought this video was quite helpful with the use of the color wheel to match zoas so that the garden pops. https://youtu.be/VRrtO973LsQ Now looking at getting a tank first but I think my initial plans burst my intended budget.
  11. When I finally set up my tank I hope to have a moderately sized island of 4 or so different types of zoas but there are some many and so many names that I can't choose... Is there a website with a comprehensive list of zoas, their pictures and also their care needs that I can refer to?
  12. Hi Muzi, thanks. I was just wondering because I saw some tanks and there didnt seem to be any mention of chillers so thought I would try asking. Those things are so big and bulky. I would want a small footprint one if I do get one because the wife is already complaining that the space in the living room is getting smaller. Edit Oh yes the cauliflowers are actually Kenya Trees, I forgot the name but they looked like cauliflowers to me.
  13. Hi All, thanks for your replies. I am actually at a very early stage of deciding on getting a salty tank after convincing the wife that I can do it with sustainable sources of livestock. So I am still very much dreaming and have no equipment list to share but would basically be building a list of what I need as I discuss with fellow members on the forum. For now, I am leaning toward a red sea 200xl set up with the reefLED lights, wave makers as required. Sumpwise I would have the skimmer, would love to put a refugium of sorts in there. If I do decide to get a chiller I would probably go for one with the smaller footprint. My planned location of the tank is about 1.5 m from the window in my living room, there isn't direct sunlight on that spot. I do have a freshwater tank in the same living room, the water in the tank remains cool most of the time. I don't really trust the cheapo thermometer that I bought earlier but it registers below 30 degrees all the time. Coral wise, I am aiming for some easy to keep softies, some colorful zoas, Star Polyps, Xenias, maybe some cauliflowers(?), yuma and mushrooms. Appreciate any thoughts and opinions if any of my endevours could be foolhardy.
  14. Hi All, My dream is to have a marine tank with marine critters and softies only. Considering that Softies are thought to be more forgiving to parameters, do I really need to have a chiller for my tank? Still planning so have to think of the equipment I need to cater for. Thank you.
  15. I have yet to set up my tank but really would like to keep a mandarin. If I set up a refugium and put copepods into it with chaeto, how do I keep them inside the refugium or do I need to do that?
  16. Thanks for all the feedbacks. Will slowly build my plans for that dream tank of mine.
  17. Thanks Hmmm2 and yes I did note that there are quite a few members selling coral frags. On the fish, I was wondering if there are any LFS in Singapore who are able to indicate which of their stocks is captive bred? Or if there are any LFS who are able to import the fishes? I see some overseas websites mention that we apparently have an industry of fish breeders in Singapore who have been breeding marine fish.
  18. Hi All, this is my first post. I managed to convince the wife that we can have a small marine tank so here I am. Have been fresh water keeping for a few years and could not help salivating over the awesome pictures of marine tanks so am tempted to start one. My wife heard of how some fish stocks are being taken from the seas so she has one condition that I get my livestock and corals from sustainable sources meaning tank bred. Is this a possibility and which aquariums may have sell such fish and corals. I am not sure if this is a sensitive topic here so if it is I do apologize but I hope to earn her approval and support for another tank in the house. :/ I know that it is still a jump for me from freshwater to saltwater so I will be picking up more information before I dedicate to a tank. Any thoughts are welcome in the meantime. Thank you.
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