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Everything posted by Validator

  1. Hi all my tank crashed a second time. Would like to get someone to take over the two fishes still alive but seen better days. Please arrange your own catch and containers. Fox face rabbit fish is palm sized and the clown is a small one. I will pass you a fresh container of fish food for your troubles. Please contact by WhatsApp at nine3six8two3nine6
  2. Hi, Looking for the above. Preferably in Sengkang area.
  3. Still looking for the Nitrate LR syringe with attachment to put the filter paper.
  4. HI would like to give out another round of chaeto this weekend(2 helpings). After which I have to dispose. Same as above if you have corals to spare would be nice but not a necessity.
  5. One helping reserved. I can pass you on Sunday if you can come by my place. If no other takers I will probably dispose and wait another month to give out again.
  6. Still looking for the Nitrate LR syringe with attachment to put the filter paper.
  7. Hi Recky, how are you reading my mind? Haha Yes will be able to give out this weekend so can check your PM. For the rest, I am due for another round of chaeto give away. Same thing as before please PM me. If you have corals to share that would be much appreciated but not a necessity.
  8. two helpings reserved. Might have a 3rd. Stand by.
  9. Dear All, I am due for another round of chaeto give away. Same thing as before please PM me. If you have corals to share that would be much appreciated but not a necessity.
  10. Thanks Nuj, ups for the other syringes. Looking for the 100 µL graduated pipette and the syringe plus attachment for the nitrate LR
  11. Hi all, Anyone who has been using Hanna Testers and their egg shaped device is no longer working? I would like to buy from you the syringes and accessories for the following Hanna Tester sets: Calcium Tester set Nitrate LR Tester set Just the syringes and attachments. Don't want the egg shaped device. Please PM. Thank you.
  12. Hi all, I am looking for companies that can cut to size a tank cover for my red sea 200XL to accomodate a food port and also holes for wires for wave makers. I currently use a red sea DIY cover but have one fish that purposely squirts water out of the tank onto the room walls and floor. Needless to say the wife isn't happy so want one that prevents the fish from doing so. I am also thinking of putting a done-to-size trickle filter with multiple layers for drawers for filter cotton in my sump to increase my mechanical filtration in view of my heavy bioload. Anyone know where I can get the above done?
  13. Hi All, Want to try to make the colours pop on my tank. Looking for some luminous and other colourful corals to make the disco up the tank. Some choices include : Leathers(prefer to be attached to a small rock already) Mushrooms(prefer to be attached to a small rock already) Nice Pulsing Xenia(prefer to be attached to a small rock already) Zoas(not too pricy that pop under the UV light) Easy LPSes that can tolerate basic water conditions Easy Corals e.g. Bali Slimer I would prefer not to travel too far from home which is in Sengkang. If you can meet me at my block I will be super happy. Can message me with your corals for sale and the prices. Thank you. Oh yes also looking to try an anemone esp one that clowns can host. Have an anemone cup that I hope the anemone won't run around the tank.
  14. Due for another round. LIkely can arrange for this weekend. Please message me if keen. If you have any corals to spare as a trade I will appreciate the contributions.
  15. Up for the items to trade. Willing to also trade for any ultra lumi toadstools or leathers or the like
  16. Hi Wong, I sent you a PM. Was waiting for you to reply.
  17. Two takes for now. May have one more helping available. Will update if someone backs out.
  18. Due for another round of Chaeto to give away. Same thing please PM me and if you have any spare corals for donation is welcome.
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