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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. Hi TH! Understand how u feel...I am sure it does have its beauty too. So wats ya decision on the marine set-up?
  2. Reef! I seriously doubt ya corals r dead? Juz that they are not fully opened...rite? is this ya first time keeping corals? All corals need some time to fully display their 'stuff' E.g. Upon first introducng an octopus coral...its tentacles r usually retracted and depending on its tank water parameters/ placement....they may take a few hours or up to a couple of days before u see its tentacles in full bloom. I hardly acclimatize my corals either and ave not seen much prob! I am quite sure ya corals r not dead... And yes...u need to add calcium for its growth along more wif others. I am using seachem which I have no complains about. Hope this helps.
  3. Schnauzer...nice innovation there! Looks very cute & prob much nicer than my bulky round container DIY doser that Reefworld did for me
  4. Wow Jelly fish? Have not seen them in quite a while...how long have u kept them? And how do u koe its not doing well? I've heard that its real diff to keep them...am i rite to say that they r the non-stingy type n hence wun harm ya horses?
  5. My cyarina alo injured...sianz...but it seems to be taking a much longer time to heal as compared to the rotiS....
  6. Hmmm...now wats up wif u & chanbi? Cheers!
  7. Have not made any trips yet...this week
  8. Hi MV.... I have the same orange mushrooms that u have (as attached in above image)...pls note that their sting is quite deadly...and can be harmful to some not too aggressive corals....it actually manage to rot away apart of my elegance coral tips (though the particular mushroom involved rot away in the process)... It reproduces by budding or diving itslef into 2.
  9. Urmm...dun think introducing a flame is too advisable.... My flame simplies follow wat my queen does...where ever my queen nips...flame also follow Sometimes when I see my queen nibbing I will try knocking on the glass...hahaha...hoping to 'teach' it that nibbing is wrong
  10. Tks coel Where do u house ya HS? In an invertebrate tank? I love invertebrates too...and I house most of mine in my seahorse tank.
  11. And oh!!! Dun ever use this cheapskate brad- MarineCure (some blue liquid stuff wif a crane on its white plastic bottle) which petmart proudly claims its reef safe!!! GUARANTEED to harm ya inverts & corals!
  12. 100% reef safe! So far seems to be my best bet...unless of course u can catch the sick fish out n have it quarantined... I dun do that coz...its quite impossible for me to get the fish out of my tank n if i ever get it done...i think d fish will be too stressed out.
  13. Corals have not adapt to the sudden change in lighting. Given time...it should open. Hap to me b4....quite sometime ago. Rocks lots of bubbles due to algae emitting oxygen bubbles...cun remember how I ended this process though.
  14. Like Niv... I will also use a syringe to suck it up...damn smelly though. After which...the bits that remain behind will generate into a new mushroom.
  15. The prata should recover soon if protected. My angels love attackng my pratas especially my silly queen... Sometimes i will transfer the injured prata to my Seahorse tank to recover b4 putting it back into my main tank again. They r real hardy!
  16. Where did u put the anemone after u sperated it?
  17. Possible to convert one 3 feet into marine? Guarantee it will be worth it
  18. U may wanna drain the thawed BS first so that u get all the excess 'juices' out....before soaking in the garlic juice for 30mins or so. Refrigerate it during the 30mins. The last time I tried...white spots will disappear in like 2-3days and continue to feed garlic food for 1.5mths...longer the better. Good luck
  19. Yup...dun throw it away as wat BC & W sd.... A dying anemone will show signs like Torn/ injured flesh/ Dropping/ rotting tentacles... Relax
  20. Hong Leong sells it too...I think I bought it @ $28...some German brand. After buying nvr bothered to hatch BS liao...as the LFS sells them now. And dun koe why my Seahorses dun eat live/ frozen shrimp.
  21. Hi coelacanth! Nice to koe another Harlequin Shrimp fan! Juz out of interest...how do u differentiate the females? I usually realize that the ones wif the blue legs (beneath its belly) is the female (larger than its partner too) n often carry eggs... Is there another way of telling it?
  22. wow....u profile him quite well huh Tanzy?
  23. We all koe this is an expensive hobby... So naturally for those who have more $$ will be able to afford better quality/brand/aesthetics of pdt. While for those who r not too up2it...there is always DIY/ cheaper buys etc. Everyone should be happie Ps* Tanzy...ya tunze rocks man! & not to mention the lights that u wanna sell away
  24. Hi Mv... Where possible...u may like to try fresh garlic. Troublesome but foc & sure to work.
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