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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. bro...sorry for my tardy reply...this thread gave me the slip... i dun quite know how u define big...but generally...the biggest i've seen are about plus minus 4 inches or so.... nope...the seahare in my tank did not eat any of my sponges...he JUST loves algae!!! btw...there r 2 versions in the mkt...the dull-coloured ones and the dull-coloured ones (with blue rings).... remember to acclimatize it slowly...
  2. why not? if its tonga type...all the more easier to break... if its the boulder type...hehehee...watch ya floor n good luck! no harm done to anything...except u may get weird shapes that may not be quite wat u looking for...after breaking...
  3. a lot of people will prob tell you that turbo dun eat coraline algae...but i cun guarantee for sure...as i stopped using such snails a long time ago...their big shells make them way clumsy on rocks...moving corals...etc.... i will choose a sea hare for algae prob...saw really great results with them...but do bear in mind...as with most slugs...they do better in matured tanks...
  4. yes they do... some will release sp...erm...while some will release eggs... that pic is definitely the former...
  5. bro... i believe it was sold to an overseas buyer leh
  6. B|uEc@rpEt


    could be due to them having pests such a nudibranchs....or other type of parasite (like a water spider)... If so...do a fresh water drip to remove these idiots... but do take note...doing so will stress ya coral....but most people report sucess using this method
  7. B|uEc@rpEt


    mine prefers mid lighting and wave.... will stings any other corals except those belonging to its genus...and family...
  8. hey ian... GREAT job! Am very interested in seeing your next updates... Btw...sorry if i did not read properly...but do you have a chiller for ya tank?
  9. hey neokn... can pls pm me the name of the lfs? cos i've heard stories of a super rude lfs too...from a fren tks!
  10. guys...do ya T5s generate a lot of heat...heard they dun...but wanna confirm...from T5s users... also...oceandeep...where did u get newborn pratas??? sounds so cute!
  11. i think one of the episodes featured pulau hantu...and chek jewa...
  12. RBT anemones r like rather rare these few days...hence pushing prices to about $65!!! Saw some at ah beng's place last week...you may wanna try calling them...?
  13. r u guys all using T5s? or MHs? how long are ya lights on for? and all ya corals are striving? pls advise...tks!
  14. hey guys... thanks for ya contributions...let's assume it stays ard room temp...plus minus 28 degrees? Using T5 lights...prob 4-6 hrs in the night (when the weather is cooler)? all past (or present) experiences r greatly appreciated... personally i've not kept any corals without a chiller...hence...not too sure which can be kept...without a chiller...dun wan to risk guessing...hence seeking fellow reefers experiences
  15. Hey bros... Just wanted to check with you all who are currently keeping (or have kept before) corals WITHOUT a chiller or air-conditioning of room (which tank is placed in).... Wanna know which type of LPS / Softies can be kept SUCCESSFULLY without the use of a chiller? Pls help list below...tks! List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  16. u need a really slow acclimatization process...for all starfishes especially the linkias... certain sites will recommend drip-acclimatization.... and of course they are best placed in matured tanks...as it has been claimed that they eat film algae... however...i do recall a long time ago...my orange linkia ate mysis shrimp! exposing its mouth is one thing they do to eat their food...but curled backwards? nvr experienced it myself....but there r so many factors that can cost their deaths...like slight injuries which may develop to fungai infection...etc etc 4 days is just about the window timeframe for them to be introduced into a tank and slowly bit by bit waste away.... sorrie about ya lost!
  17. bane... ya starfish is wasting away...ie dying... i will remove the rotting arms as they will further contribute to ya nitrates...really doubt the remaing arms will survive...believe they will rot after a while... such starfish r sensitive to poor water conditions... sorry..
  18. tks bro fonster! Appreciate it... btw...those looking for flame angels may wanna check out ah beng's place...well priced too
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