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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. Hi TTB...I have this too... Actually tanzy i think that for this species...unlike the x'mas tree worm...even if the coral substance (is it really porites or some other coral type?) dies...the worms will not die. This species is very much like the coco worm and each worm has its own shell...and like the coco worm it can be fed filter food.
  2. Some people belive wif a clown, the anemone does better. I dun think I wanna muff that one off.... U have a sebae there. I feed my anemones wif prawns too.
  3. Yah man! Its a life! (& we all koe $ can be earned back)
  4. And 4 everything else...there is Mastercard?
  5. And strong light too! I failed with my first attempt wif white xenias...dun think i will try again.
  6. I koe PacMarine got fined like 2 mths back (appx)... But they dun give much of a damn....let them rest for 2 weeks....and its back to Biz again
  7. Hi HQ... Yikes! Pls note that the blue ring octopus (which can sometimes be found in our LFS) is poisonous and has distinct blue rings on it...becareful as it is venemous & capable of inflicting fatal bites on humans! Pls ignore the above if u already koe this.
  8. Most welcome TTB... We shall all take a look tomolo
  9. Yup... Its like the childhood game plice & thief...
  10. I do koe that reborn does share stock wif Hong Leong... But I dun have much prob wif HL stock...geee....maybe case to case lar.
  11. Hehehehee..BB...u make them sound so cute....and e-d-i-ble...gulp!
  12. Hi ND... Could be a sebae anemone. A happy & lively anemone will retract/ shrink very fast when touched/ disturbed. It usually will be clinging on tightly to a rock/ tank/ substrate (depending on species)....Also its tentacles will be inflated most of the time unless it is purging out its wastes. Hope this helps...
  13. Hey Creet...u can use it to soak any type of food.
  14. Hi TTB, Dun really koe wat type of S'mas worms u toking about. If its the coco type...it may only be its crown that is lost...the worm will generate a new crown given time. If its the x'mas type found in porites...seems that some people believe that once the porites die...the worms will die too.
  15. Its a...green...Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sp.)
  16. LR.... Was at reborn on Sunday...they had many blue linckias...but they were damn big man!
  17. Blue ring octopus r poisonous... Hahaa...wonder if Soon koes it The one I got..was a hitch-hiker in the LR...a common brown one....which died while I was cycling my tank.
  18. Has anyone tried this brand of water conditioner called - Easylife? I am using it...and I find it not too bad....judging from wat i can see from me eyes.
  19. Hi BW... Yup...choco can eat other food too...however...under their dets...can include some corals too...had seen my sun coral rot/ eaten after I lifted the starfish off my sun coral one morning Hmm..the funny thing is that the choco is quite hardy....n i've read from somewhere b4 that harlequins usually let bit of the starfish legs go...so as it can regenerate into a new one...(i think it went something like that...cun remember clearly)... I've seen a couple of small sand shifters in my tank b4....which I believe had regenerated themselves from small bits of its parent leg. And oh...I think the CBS may attack Harlequins....if they come into close contact. I have a pair of harlequins & a CBS in my main tank...they dun fight as both are situated at diff corners....which ###### to think about it....maybe that was why my pair of harlequins shifted from the left side of the tank to the rite side....a couple of days after i introduced the cbs. tks
  20. Think its test kits prob and not so much for user prob.... Diff test its yield dif results...I've used JBL b4...I think its not too accurate...usually show a higher reading of CA.
  21. The chef has spoken... Well...if u r no-fuss person like me then....simply unpeel clove of garlic...use a pounder or an electric blender to blend/ pound it....after which....strain/ squeeze the paste for its juice.... Some choose to drink it...some choose to soak their fish food in the fresh juice for say 30mins b4 feeding them to the fishes. I chose the latter Stay tuned next week for...mysis shrimp wif garlic juice
  22. Hi BB... The choco-chip can be found commonly at Hong Leong...but like HQ sd....they r not quite reef safe....its okie for me...cos once the Harlequins have their claws on it...its no letting go.... LR... Linkias r real pretty....reef safe too.... But must acclimatise them well as i believe they r the most delicate of the lot. I dun reccomend it for food though...as they have poor 'shelf-lives' Tend to waste away quicker than the shrimps can finish them.
  23. P-ageing? Nope...of cos not. I figured its cos... u sound real wise for 23. Prob ya marine knowledge...and of cos who can forget socrates?
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