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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. MH without chiller sounds V.scary..... My room is like air-conditioned for almost 24 hrs....(the air-controller shows 17 degrees)...my chiller == hardly activated...BUT! Once in a while it will juz activate usually on hot afternoons.... Gheee...wonder how do 'cooked' corals look like? Ps* I once regrettably cooked my HQ shrimps when I forgot to off their lights (PL type) and went out with the air-con off!
  2. Jason....shift ya foxy to a place of: Low-mid water movement, Low-mid light...placement Low too. Should work...leave it there for ard 3 days b4 shifting to another new positions (if it does not open) Good luck!
  3. OOPS! Ps* Hon! I am impressed with ya very up-to-date information evident consistently thru-out this whole forum! U keep rocking....
  4. HQ! I agree! I am dosing Strontium, CA, Alk, Mg etc from Seachem...and they recommend dosing twice a week which often results in "off-table" readings when tested. Hence...I found out that for my tank...it is best to half Seachem's recommendation...i.e for my case...instead of dosing X-element twice a week...I only do it once.
  5. Yup...my vote goes to it being a cardinal...
  6. Hey AT! The Eheim 1264 I dun think it (dun think only..not too sure) will be powerful enuff for ya tank's height...I bought it for my current tank and realised the flow power is not up to my satisfaction...in the end I used it for my chiller.... u can try it out I m currently using Iwaki and am very satisfied with it. fyi....
  7. Yup Kel....agree! Nevertheless it was an eye-opener Anywayz...I like the whole area @ LCK....lottas of other farms....like the parrot farm...goat...frog...quail....n organic veg farms....love every ounce of it....makes me feel like jungle boi.... Wished I could have a farm on my own..... Yikes...looks like i m side-tracking here...
  8. Yup!!! Not forgetting the aqua-scaping...i took like 2 hrs everytime i add new rocks...maybe i am slow and not to mention the number of times i redesign the rocks...so as to get that right look in accordance. Have funz!
  9. Juz saw ya dog!!! SO cute!!! wats his/ her name???
  10. AT! U look quite entertaining...in btw....urmm pardon my question...but issit a little "dirty" to have ya whole body in the enclosed water area....eg the hair?
  11. Nice big clean place....but variety of corals...like quite common.... M i rite?
  12. Above...as in 80 or so "KGs".... sorrie...left that out
  13. Clown... U remind me of the day when I bought live rocks for my current reef tanks....spent like sooooper-doooper big amount of $$ juz on live rocks... I think I bought like almost 80 plus or so (cun remember liao) of live rocks...from reefworld, pacific marine, reborn, seletar, aquatechnic.... Thinking about those days carrying n buying rocks freaks me out sometimes man! tiring....but in the end....its all worth the while man! 3.58 cheers to ya new set-up!
  14. Yup such stuff r quite common in my tank too...always wondered wat it was....usually comes from somewhere within the rocks... In btw....I've seen my coco worms sperming before....one will shoot its smoke of sperm...while another will juz release small light yellow eggs into the water....kinda interesting.....
  15. I am fine with anything as long as its the best for my reef tank. Actually i m looking for the brand of salt called Marine-environment...cun seem to find it. m currently using Bio-Sal from Aquatechnic...so far okie...but there will be slight cloudiness when new water is made with the salt. fyi
  16. Hi... I guess...nite time is the best time for parasite to 'hitch' on their hosts while sleeping...as most of them sleep near solid surfaces...i.e rocks or sand btm....
  17. No lar AT!!! Hahaha....m juz teasing Kel...."invented" the URL meself... It most prob leads ya to a blank page.....dun think there is such a URL
  18. Kel.... For her pic...kindly click the below URL: www.sdu.com/desperategal24 Have lotta's fun'z In btw...post ya pic lar!
  19. Kel...huh? U nvr knew??? Now surprise me by telling me u also koe nothing about my 4 daughters n 2 sons???? "...die another day...."
  20. B|uEc@rpEt 25 soooon... Last worked| Regional Marcom... Now| Back 2 b:blink: ks...zzzZZZ Hobbies| MarIne 2 yrs dd , dogs...birds...anything living actually' Marital Stats| Thrice diVorced...Hahaha...
  21. Hi EC & Barra.... Tks heaps for the earlier info... Cheers!
  22. Hi ECBM.... Is the above LFS the same one which someone in the forum once mentioned was not opened to the public? Or did I get them mixed up? Pls advise...tks
  23. Hi Phang.... Mine r pistols shrimps....wun mind giving them to ya for free....like i sd i got them free from my live rocks too..... Prob is....how m i gonna catch them out for u? I hardly get to see them....but often get to hear their snapping sounds once the lights goes off....and can also see their shedded shells...on the sand btm....
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