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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. Yup....stay away from doc fishies...they r better left in the wild...though I do koe of someone who had kept his alive for over a year...such cases r rare... I had lost my beautiful hawaiian cleaner and a couple of normal cleaners despite paying so much attention to their survival n needs. Told myself then I will only try them again when I have a tank of at least 10 feet... Hmmm..... <_<
  2. I think its juz dust particles? Our LRs have dust particles settling on it... Careful that the trigger dun go biting ya soft corals....or hard if u have them.... I used to have a dog-faced puffer....(which like triggers r not reef-safe)...that goes round destroying my sponges, soft corals...hard corals...thank god it was not in my main tank. Anyway...I had since set him free.....into the sea.... Notice my seahorses sometimes do the smoke thingy too....though in the case of seahorses its most prob due to the 'juices' excreted from its shrimp meal.
  3. I've used the Coralife 03 actinic PL stuff b4....for my previous tank... The colour (in layman terms) is very purple.....so much so that even my white pipe organ looks light greenish under such light.... And I also found that their life span is pretty short....I think I changed the bulb like once every 3-4mths.... fyi...
  4. Kel..hope this news cheers u up... Anemone shrimp can be kept...I have an anemone/glass shrimp in my tank....its been there for quite a long period of time already.... Though my clown simply refuses to share its anemone wif the shrimp...the latter had some how made its home in my elegance coral.
  5. I seriously think the 'bio' load will be too high....?
  6. Dun koe if its the same one u r toking about...but in my X'mas tree rock....I do have this worm with about 1.5cm long fine fishing-line/ optical fibre like tentacles but it does not seem to "move" about.... Though it will hide back into the rock when frightened. Hmmm.... <_<
  7. Hahahaa...bawater...cute cute.... In btw...box fishes r like the cutest things on earth...
  8. Tks Tanzy! Now me eyes are wobbling.... Juz Kidd'n
  9. wsiong.. i cun seem to be able to open the pic.... but nevertheless....m happie ya anemone survived! cheers....
  10. My Siberian has blue eyes....she's only a pup rite now...n is learning to bark a little...yup...they tend to howl rather than bark when they r bigger....and of coz u r most welcome to ###### over....2play wif Jewel (Sib Husk)/ teNNis/ c tank/ mingle wif babes ....but after ya AU trip k? cos....me exams ard the corner 2....* m kiddin wif the mingle part...unless its BYO AT...ya terrier looks cute...I cun wait 2 squeeeze it.... looks very low maintenance......I kinda like its oriental counterpart 2....the Chinese Crested Dogs.... There r only 4 in SG? Tell me more!
  11. Bawater...u damn funny.... Loonz...any possibility of them running a repeat? I missed it too....or rater I did not koe anything about it think its time for me to refer to my cable guide! Am always missing lots of good stuff......
  12. Gee...sorrie to hear that LR.... Hope u dun get 2 sad over ya sun coral....
  13. Hahaha Kel! I cun help but to think about ya lovely tangs snapping all the veggie...when ever I see my tangs shying away from the veg... Really wished they could behave like yours.... Ghee...
  14. I'm in2 music...anything basically (accept for jazz, country... ) but not a musician...not a rock-god Mirwais grooooves.... when free...its TeNNis M kept busy (b-sides reef crap) with my cOckatOO...my 3 darLin's chihuahuas and recently...V.busy...cos I got meself a siberian Husky...cun wait 4 her to grow up...so I can retire as a father
  15. Hey Phang... Why dun u buy a bigger new one? Cos if u buy a smaller one for ya current maroon...I'm juz afraid the current one (being bigger n more dominant) may kill the smaller one.... Maroons...V-fierce
  16. eEEE...BAWATER.... so koe wat u mean....the amt of shit that oozes out .... I used to have an algae blenny....which eats all my tank algae n my blue tang will follow him closely...n everytime the blenny shits....my blue tangs eats it...i think coz of its high algae content.... gross.... funny thing about my tangs (blue n purple)...is that i cun seem to get them to eat veg like lettuce....or any other kind...they seem most interested un mysis n brine.... ep4546...6 feet n still jump out? yikes! U dun have barracudas in there do u?
  17. LR... This may sound silly...but washing ya sun coral quickly under running fresh water may help....i did that b4...(but! it could be a coincidence that it worked for me).... Anyway...if I am not mistaken...AquaMart sells a coral dip solution....I cun remember wat brand either....seen it b4...but decided not to purchase it in the end...dun koe why also
  18. Hi there! Unless ya water parameters r good...I will suggest u keep away from tangs....especially powder blues....real prone to white spots...folowing closely is ya blue / hippo tang.... Can totally relate to wat u r feeling....had been thru this b4 in the past... from experience...i personally feel that blue n powder tangs r best tried when ya tank is more than 3 feet.... In btw...may wanna try using brine shrimp to tempt ya blue tang to eat...once eating...can try soaking food in garlic juice...seems to work quite well for me in the past whenever i had white spot prob. Best of luck....
  19. Wsiong... That happened to me once.... I doubt ya injured anemone in d pail of water is gonna make it...even if it does make it thru 2day...tomolo may be doubtful...judging from the "cloudiness" it made in ya tank...I assume that it is quite badly injured...most prob its innards r showing....? (Its turns really stinko-winko after it dies) Tank....may be okie if u have a good filtration system....u prob have to change at least 50% of ya water depending on the cloudiness of the water. And relax buddy...worrying is unfounded. Eat snake...chao early...n do ya thang!
  20. Very cute... Can perform for Cirque dusoleil... realized that most tangs have very 'personalized' characters...seems like if u put ya own tang 2gether with another similar looking tang....one will be able to tell which is his....simply by observing their behaviour
  21. Wow! Glass beads? Hey Tanzy....a question...will these glass beads look a little artificial if I were to add them to my current sand bed (main tank)? Pls advise...tks
  22. Hahahaha...thats Kelvin for u.... Juz kiDD'in
  23. Loonz... Yup u can add a couple more...(depending on ya tank size n no. of rocks for hiding) at least that will divert the attention from the RG and BC Blenny... I m quite surprised ya BCB will pose a prob as they r relatively frenly...n juz greedy! U may wanna look out for fin tear of ya PFF....maybe it is juz scared of the new additions.... *Becareful of ya PFF...as when stressed...they may jump out of the tank!
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