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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. Hi guys... Anyone out there who koes if I can add another flame hawk to my main tank (which already has a flame hawk but of a smaller size)? I seem to have read somewhere that said it is possible to have 2 flame hawks together...but I cun seem to recall where did i read this from. I was supposed to add the second one in tonite but figured I should ask around first...dun really wan fights in my main tank. how?
  2. Hey guys... WOnder if u all koe this...? I went to the LFS @ funmart last weekend...mine i was so shocked that they actually charged me $0.50 per entry! well...silly me paid it and went in and to my big disappointment...the stuff they sold there were (pardon moi) crap man! Sold stuff like common button polyps, torch, hammer etc. Yawn yawn... Stock level was low too! If the quality n variety of live stock rendered the $0.50 then I think Coral farm can certainly charge $25 per entry while pacmarine will be deemed reasonable for an entry charge of $35. I most certainly will nvr go there again...i might as well charge myself $0.50 each time i view my tank which is so much better than....argh nvm
  3. Hi SH... Yup...I do a lot of 'silly' things when it cums to marine... urmm...actually for other stuff too...(though i must admit i m trying hard to control) Maybe th@t is why most LFS koe me well U koe...its usally the love @ 1st sight syndrome which my psychiatrist is tabbing me on On a serious note...in the future if u will like to share the price of any beautiful out-of-reach coral...be sure to buzz me. Tks
  4. My pom pom has one 'pom' too...lost the other one.
  5. Highest I will pay for prob $150.... Depending on how big it is also....show piece then I guess max $150...hmm...then again...$200....may juz tempt me over....argh!! But definitely not $250.....
  6. Cun see the pic clearly....hopefully its not the coral's own stinging tentacles
  7. HI HQ & BB... I got my cute pom-pom crab at Hong Leong....hardly see them now adays... Its a really small bugger...and hides most of the time....I have a rather rare strawberry crab too...lay-man naming. As for the anemone hermit crab....it had 2 anemones on its shell and they gave a pinkish tint under blue lights. Hmmm....but I had since threw him into my other tank...quite sometime back and have not seen him for quite a while. Hermit crabs...small ones better...big liao...lottas trouble.
  8. Oops..sorrie to hear about the dismiss... Me really wished I could keep them...but cun lah as my main tank is a reef... Oh....and hehehee...sorrie for side-tracking.
  9. BB...careful of big hermit crabs... I used to have an anemone hermit crab.....quite big...so scary that fella...put him in and the next minute...I found out my poor pom-pom crab was missing.... Seahorses do eat shrimps....I sometimes feed my seahorses the fresh water type of shrimps that u can buy for $2 one bagful... The ###### shrimp can be quite cute...shaking its fat ###### left n rite
  10. Hehehe...hey CT...I've always wanted to ask u...the CT in the pic...is that yours? CTs r so beautiful...if only they were reef-safe...I'd be so happie to get one for my main tank!
  11. Hahahaa....mine sometimes makes its home at the elegance...plate or my rose bulb anemone....It used to go to my bluecarpet anemone...until I removed the anemone. And I think they do better wif anemones as the latter protects it from other predators.... I used to have another type of anemone shrimp (the brown type that is also affectionately known as ######/ dancing shrimp)....guess who killed it? My seahorse!!! Temp wise...the current anemone shrimp is in my main tank which is set at 24 degrees....oh...these fellas sometimes carry/ reproduce eggs too....
  12. Hence...I proudly present to u...my magnetic glass cleaner
  13. As long as u dun break it at the "jelly" area...it wun die....u can juz go ahead and break it at the branches (this is how ya coral came about...i.e from a bigger branch in the wild) n like HQ sd...put it in a good spot n it will survive.
  14. Yup...I have 4 cleaner shrimps liao... Will go buy another kilo of it? u koe i am such a shrimp person...have most of the diff types available. In btw...I was kiddin' on the 10 feet thingy...why would I wan a Doc when i can settle for a mermaid in a tank of that size? Then again...maybe I will try them when i have a tank of at least 20 feet
  15. The minimum size of the fish * Morgan's 8 feet...visualize that!
  16. But CT... They shit a lot leh.... My seahorse tank used to have a few of them...wa lao...no algae left but lots of dropping trails They can really shit! *They tend to make "clucking" sounds whenever they rotate their shells (to shit) n it hits the tank's surface.
  17. I agree with Tanzy...hawaii & fiji r pretty safe! And not all fishes caught via net is expensive or sold at a premium price.... I bought my flame angel (net caught from hawaii) for only $50....and that was during d time period where such r sold for $45. Its only $5 diff....not even 20% extra of the mkt price.
  18. ps* former = latter & latter = former
  19. Empty ya tank water....remove all LRs...and corals....see yellow damsel flipping itself silly on Sand base...u then can either: 1. Use a scissors n cut it into 2... 2. Use a piece of LR (the biggest u can find) and smash it... 3. Inject with Kalk... 4. Place mandarin on it...so that the former's poisonous secrete will take care of the latter naturally. Hmmm...I hate quarrelsome damsels But seriously...the yellow tail damsels r pretty small n hence using a fishing hook to 'bait' it is almost impossible.
  20. Or position ya hands where ya camera lens r focused at...and juz like Paige...simply say "Purple Tang"......n snap! This method works for me all the time.......untill I finally learn how to orb myself into the tank
  21. Hmmm... I think I will spend more time...observing my anemone shrimp...later juz for fun....most prob I will try giving it some brine shrimp n see if it eats....never really cared about it....cos I tot it will like feed on fine particles...like dried plankton or algae...(which I occasionally dump into my tank)...or possibly the secretion of the elegance...mucus? Yikes...
  22. Hi Barracuda.... Pls beware...wat u see on TM's label may juz be a marketing gimmick... Read an article b4 about some lab report after tests were carried out on various brands of salts...was surprised how badly TM fared.
  23. Very funny Kelvin Dun 4get to stock up on filter media...if not the next time, u prob use ya old curtains...or ya grandma's knit' sweater Juz KiDD'n
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