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Everything posted by Temlaa

  1. I went to a aquarium shop at Clementi called "Clementi Florist and Aquarium (C328)". The shop keeper aunty was kind enough to help search for a pump of similar size and wattage. In the end only Dymax smallest pump was similar enough to fit in. It is a super tight fit might require some tool to remove the pump now [emoji28] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I only on the pump while submerged in water. I filled the tank up before running it, it worked for around 3 minutes before it just suddenly stopped. (It was not in used for approximately 4 months, but i tested it in a bucket before putting it into the tank.) I tried prying open the pump, but can't seem to open it with out breaking the whole enclosure. So i was hoping to buy a replacement first before prying it again. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Anyone able to help? [emoji26] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Hello everyone, the fluval pump of my quarantine tank just died on me. Does anyone know where i can buy the same pump (Uploaded photo). Or does anyone know another pump that can fit into this fluval tank. (Uploaded photo of tank box). Thank you very much for the help! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Thank you very much for the advice! I will start up the quarantine tank soon! [emoji16] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Thank you Evolutionz for the quick response! Regarding the Purigen, if i do not use that, is carbon okay? Or will carbon absorb the medication as well? For Copper, what brand/product is a good choice? Also, i am using "Seachem Prime" to condition my fresh saltwater, will this react with copper? An additional question that came up, 10. How long do i leave the fish in the quarantine tank before transfering to display tank? Once again thank you for the help![emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hello everyone, i am currently trying to set up a quarantine tank as my friend recently passed on his Fluval EVO Saltwater Kit 19L. Therefore, i am hoping that i could get some valuable advice on what are the steps to start a quarantine tank. These are some questions that comes to my mind, please forgive me if the questions are dumb [emoji28]: 1. Is the pump, sponge filter, bio-filter and carbon (might replace carbon with seachem purigen) all i need in this quarantine tank? 2. Do i need the lights on? If yes, how long per day? 3. I am using ReefMax Salt mix for my saltwater, do i need to add any other additives? Or should i use a different salt mix? 4. Is it appropriate to add a rock in the tank? 5. Do i need to leave the tank running even if i have no fish to quarantine yet, or only add saltwater and run the tank if there is new fish to quarantine? 6. Do i have to do drip acclimatisation method for new fish before adding them into the quarantine tank? And another drip acclimatisation for quarantine tank to display tank? 7. Is quarantine tank different for fish and corals? 8. Does 20% water change weekly apply to quarantine tank? 9. What to look out for when the fish is in the quarantine tank? Thank you very much for taking the time to read and answer my questions! [emoji39] *uploaded photos of the fluval tank box and sump view Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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