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JamesT last won the day on December 14 2021

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  1. Hello Damien i have an entire arch with anemone for sale , pm if keen 96339546
  2. Location is serangoon. size approx 12cm
  3. Up for awareness . price reduced to 250 to clear fast.
  4. Entire arch filled w anemone going for $300 for fast deal upz
  5. Balance : Caribsea rock . 2 x Blue container w lid maxspect gyro xf350 w controller QT Tank with seachem hang on filter
  6. Updated: Fish: 3 Fairy Wrrase $100 1 Percular Clownfish + 1 Black Storm $100 ( Must go together as been together for a while) Fire Goby Coral: Kenya Tree Green Gonio Rainbow Prata GSP Pulsing Xenia Dragonsoul Torch Green Torch Pink Cynarina Anemone Equipment: Nyos Skimmer 60 Liter Drum for RODI Water Storage $30 AquaizeSG 5 stage RODI Water with booster Pump and digital Monitor $250 Brand new box of DVH Bio pellet $50 Numerous shape sizes rock for sale . Arch , Tree , etc... Sorry if i don't reply quickly as I'm on bed rest most of the time.
  7. Dear all, Sorry for not replying to many messages as I'm busy with my health issues and somehow I lose my chat history. This are the balance item left: Livestock: Red Wrrase $15 ( please note might overturn coral) 3.5inch Blue Tang $35 3 Fairy Wrrase $100 1 Percular Clownfish + 1 Black Storm $100 ( Must go together as been together for a while) 1 Yellow Tang and Gem Tang ( must go together as been together for a while) $750 1 Fire Goby $20 Coral: Numerous Head Duncan $20 Two Head Green Torch $50 6 Head Dragon Soul Torch $180 One Colony of Pulsing Xenia $50 Big Palm Size of Red Prata $300 One Carpet of GSP $50 One Green Gonio $30 have about 30 pieces of Anemone . Each @ 50dollar ( quite a few palm size) Equipment: NYOS skimmer 120 $250 60 Liter Drum for RODI Water Storage $30 AquaizeSG 5 stage RODI Water with booster Pump and digital Monitor $250 Brand new box of DVH Bio pellet $50 Numerous shape sizes rock for sale . Arch , Tree , etc... Please tele me @lazycookie888 Again, my apology for not replying to many messages as im very ill the past week. dont worry, Not infectious disease . thank you .
  8. Started this hobby due to my wife interest in marine fishkeeping and found myself enjoying it too. However, with a heavy heart, i have to decommission the entire tank as we are re-locating. All livestock are cared for wholeheartedly and equipment were never abused. livestock for sale: Gem Tang ( 3.5++ inch ) Yellow Tang( 3.5++ inch) Paired black storm + Percula clown fish 3 Fairy Wrasse Red Wrasse Blue Tang (3.5inch) Fire Goby 2 Large cleaner shrimp Huge Turbo Snail Rainbow Prata Red Prata 6 head Dragon Soul Torch Different assortment of Anemone Palm Size Pink Cynarina 2 head Green Torch Numerous head duncan Red Gonio Green Gonio Huge colony of Pulsing Xenia on Rock GSP Red Sea Reefer 350 ( 1 year old, no rust on hinge condition 9/10) Nyos skimmer 120 Teco 500 chiller Coralife UV Maxspect Gyre 350 2 60Liter Drum for RODI water AquaizeSG 5 stage RODI water with booster pump and digital monitor. Please pm or telegram me at lazycookie888
  9. Just remove a few at the rock.. Upz
  10. Thanks all nice kaki for collecting. 4 pieces left . up for awareness. really healthy anemones
  11. Up. many diff colors. red, white, rainbow, red orange.
  12. More healthy anemone for sales. Thank you
  13. Unpluck more from the rocks . healthy anemone that splits and drive me crazy. up for awareness .
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