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Everything posted by ruvyn

  1. Able to share the image again? cant seems to see anything *interested
  2. Yes I do have those snails! Ahh. Everything coming full circle. Hahaha Thanks bro! My flow used to be very high cause 4ft and don't really want to have dead spots. But I've lowered since a while back cause I rescaped! Thanks for the help though!
  3. Mine too! Got the 5 tier and the water waste is like 1.5 : 1. And this ratio is with the booster I got from them too.
  4. Thanks PulposTriste! Yes I do have lps! Hopefully its nothing serious. Now there's another one appeared! 20210408_210801.mp4
  5. Hello fellow Reefers! I just saw this on my display rocks. Any idea what's going on with it? VID-20210408-WA0009.mp4
  6. ruvyn

    Reef Pi

    Still camping for updates for such interesting topic!! Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk
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