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Everything posted by reefingbabe

  1. If you want to avoid losing any of them, prepare a QT tank. You might need to transfer them before it is too late. Most likely it is an Ich problem. I personally will suggest run UV. You can buy a submersible one. Make sure it is in the sump. No fish or you should see the UV light directly. Very hard for fishes to die when there is UV. In worse case hyposalinity can help. Worked for me. Meds are difficult to confide in. Copper is like a last case scenario as it can kill the fish too if done wrongly.
  2. A beginner's guide to reduce burning cash could be: Avoid Playing Corals, especially LPS and SPS where you will need to spend alot for dosing, chiller, etc. Soft corals still okay. Keep Tank Small. Avoid spending much on products just because it is popular. It might not be really necessary. Try to keep tank in a cooler environment in your house to make it cheaper for you in getting it cool. Do not overstock or buy fishes so rapidly. If one brings in some parasite like velvet or ick, it could wipe out all your other fishes. Stock up slowly and choose fishes who are healthy and are from healthy tanks. Do not get tempted by what you see online of other reefer's tanks. Just be happy with yours.
  3. Thanks for sharing. Pride can kill if we are not careful. Sometimes people want to get to feel the success of others and get themselves into more financial difficulties. It will be good to stop comparing and just enjoy the process.
  4. Setting up a marine tank has not been easy and cheap. I thought I would spend no more than $1,000 for this hobby. In less than a year, I have spend nearly $10,000 and it is not even halfway through my reefing journey. From setting up a small tank of two feet, I did the usual after it cycled. I added the clownfishes (premium ones even though it is not advisable as a starting fish) and also some soft corals. I soon realised that colors are quite lovely for tanks and even if I am buying soft corals, I should not be buying those brown ones just because they are cheap. Of course, taking into consideration that I have learnt how to care for corals. That will be more important. Zoas are pretty and nice ones are expensive. Always want to have a small zoa garden and I hope I can make it. What are the favourite zoas out there? My first big mistake was adding small blue tang to a 2 feet. I wasn't advised against it in the shop too. He was all okay till he got stressed one day, most likely due to other fishes in the tank sharing space with him. It was a nightmare as I lost all my fishes to ICK. I was in pain for a month or so. This was when my tank was empty without fishes. This is also when I started playing with LPS Corals since I had no more fishes. I had to wait for about 10-12 weeks for the ICK parasite to die in my tank. Eventually, they did die and I could start again. However, while waiting, I was filled with interest to play LPS Corals. Well, I didn't had a chiller first. I bought some fans to cool the tank. Still, it was about 28 deg and I can see that some LPS Corals could not tolerate it. I wanted them to be happy and so I bought the chiller. Everything else was much better even though I do not do any dosing for the BIG 3. I had a small skimmer QQ1 which might not be the best nano skimmer but I used it anyway. Tank matured and everyone was happy. This time, in the restart, I stopped adding fishes for fun. I become more careful. I only added 2 clownfishes and that's it. I was more keen on corals. Right now, I have plunged into a new big tank project. It is a big player game and I was keen to stock up and grow fast. Then I paused for a while to focus on making money and spending time with my family. We shouldn't ignore all these things to be spending time in reefing and auctions all the time. I might lose out, but I am happy. So keep going reefers. Enjoy the hobby. Do what matters to you most.
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