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  1. Bump again. Still looking for buyers for wrasse and angelfish!
  2. Bump. Looking for buyers for wrasse and angelfish
  3. Price can be nego if multiple fish are bought
  4. Hi looking to rehome my fish as I am decommissioning this year. All are stable and have been with me for 3-4 years, feed on frozen and pellet food. Priority to those who are able to take all of them. Collection in east side (Bedok). Can PM to nego. clownfish pair (1 perc and 1 ocellaris). $12 for both. Requirements: Aquarium that has bubble tip anemone to host them. Eats Hikari frozen and pellets Melanurus wrasse ($12) Requirement: Eats Hikari frozen and pellets. fine grain sand bed of at least 2 inches to sleep at night. Heavy eater, can be slightly aggressive towards smaller fish during mealtimes. Coral beauty angelfish ($20) Requirement: Eats Hikari frozen, pellets and algae. Mostly peaceful, can be occasionally slightly aggressive towards smaller, peaceful fish e.g clownfish. Kept in a tank with soft coral (e.g zoas and gorgonian) but has not been housed with hard coral before so I cannot attest to whether it will attack coral. Tailspot blenny ($10) Requirement: marine algae sheets every once in a while as it is primarily herbivorous, but will also eat Hikari frozen and pellet food. Live rock habitat.
  5. Bump. Price dropped to $100 for rock + zoas. Sunflower zoa -- 75 heads total Nightmare zoa -- 10 heads Blueberry fields zoa -- 30 heads Collection in the east. Please send me a message here and I will try to get back asap
  6. Bump. Price dropped to $110 for rock + zoas. Sunflower zoa -- 75 heads total Nightmare zoa -- 10 heads Blueberry fields zoa -- 30 heads Collection in the east. Please send me a message here and I will try to get back asap video_2024-09-04_13-07-53.mp4
  7. Selling a tunnel rock with large sunflower zoas colony, medium blueberry fields zoas and some nightmare zoas for $120. Collection in the east, rock is about 30cm across. Picture taken with non-blue lighting, hence colours appear slightly faded.
  8. My old lights R420R lights on my 3 ft tank just spoiled today. Any recs on cheap lights for 3 ft tank? Have some soft corals but nothing too demanding. Don't want to buy too exp as I may be decommissioning my tank soon.
  9. Bump, looking for chaeto again, preferably a fast-growing one as I need it in my system for nutrient control. Pls dm me, thanks!
  10. Hi, looking to add to my zoas collection with some affordable frags. Looking for pink, red or yellow colours, so for e.g rainbow infusion, pink zipper, pandora, scrambled egg etc. Also looking to add more chaeto / other macroalgae to my refugium. Pls pm (preferably with photo and price) if you have any of the above to let go. Thank you!
  11. Hi if anyone has or knows where to buy the above rare macroalgae please pm me. Thank you!
  12. Prices reduced and availability updated: Regular GSP, large colony (about 10-15cm in length) - $15 Palythoas - $15 Priority to buyer who can take both. Thanks!
  13. Hi, selling some easy and cheap soft corals for sale. Neon GSP - large colony for $35, small colony for $25 Regular GSP, large colony (about 10-15cm in length) - $25 Palythoas - $30 Collection in bedok. Thanks!
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