Hello Reefers, I’m new to saltwater tank. Started off from fresh water. I got poisoned with my close friend. Ever since I got so much interest on having inverts such as Fire Shrimp, Red Starfish, Hermit Crab and especially Sea Slug. I decided to convert to saltwater tank. I’m just going to lay everything out in hopes to get some ideas. It’s a 50 gallon peninsula tank, 20 lbs Caribsea Life Rock, 40 lbs Caribsea Arag-Alive Hawaiian Black sand, 2kg Maxspect Nano-Tech Bio-Sphere, Sunsun Canister, Anti Chlorine , Red Sea Salts and lastly Sunsun powerhead. The tank have been running for 3 months. Unfortunately, with the system im running, took me about 2 months to cycled this tank. Parameters checked with salifert test kit once a week. 10% water changed once a week. I hope to keep in touch with those successfully running canister system. Particularly with saltwater tank, there is a lot to know and the learning curve is pretty steep, to begin with, luckily for me have a friend to guide me but the system his is running not the same as mine. Due to the lack of knowledge of what the fish and invertebrates required. I keep losing inverts. While waiting for my tank to fully cycled, I got myself a hospital tank, bought a few bags of pure salt water from A.B.A. and Prazi Gold. I went ahead and add a pair of clown fish to the hospital tank for a month plus. Anyways, to the issues. I slowly added livestock as time went by and things became established. I started with a CuC, a pair of clown fish and a couple of shrimp.. There is a lot to learn for a newbie but enjoying this hobby. I have some brown algae starting to form. I assumed, Is either due to lack of bacteria or maybe without RO/DI unit. Correct me if I’m wrong. I kind Reefer gave away a RO/DI unit to me last two weeks, has yet to be fixed. After reading here (SRC) I think I will keep it a FOWLR tank, kudos to those who keep a reef. Last week, I added another onyx clown pair, eventually I noticed the other fancy clown started to chased the onyx clown fish. Having said that, through out all of this, my CuC and shrimp have been perfectly fine. I decided to sell of my Onyx clown pair. Any takers? feel free to contact me at 8753 7one4six [emoji847] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app