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Everything posted by silver_tang

  1. Thanks bro Ekia. I think my salt is really affect by precipitation cos i put it in my cupboard and the whole packet of salt become soild. I had pour away the water and open a new packet of Red Sea salt and mix with water. Now no problem liao...the water is no longer cloudy.
  2. Hi guys I encounter the same problem also. I using redsea salt and had use a power head to let the water run overnite but the next day the water is still cloudy and the SG level is 1.021. Izzit safe to use the water for a water change in my tank? This is my 1st salt mix had been using NSW all the while...Should i pour away the water and make another salt mix??? Pls Advice
  3. Hi all, I intend to mix my own salt water for the 1st time had been using NSW all the while. Do i need to place a airpump or powerhead after i had mix the saltwater while I leave the water overnite??? Pls Advice
  4. Is this pair of clown fish that you adpot from mi last week???
  5. As above. Self collect at BoonLay MRT station.
  6. How long u been using? Any pics?
  7. Bro...wat is yr salinity level? Cos read fr sme sites that is best to keep at 1.023 - 1.025.
  8. Hi Recently juz bought a Purple/Orange Reef Lobster now hiding in the rocks. Understand that it is a scavenger but does it require feeding? I worry that the leftover is not enough for it to eat...Pls advice..thanks.
  9. Selling the above for $15. Dimension 9cm X 17cm X 18cm. Used it to feed my fishes so that no need to off the pump.
  10. Please think before you say...$20 over dollars maybe meant a little to rich guy like you...but meant alot for a student like mi.
  11. I and my friend both brought a hydrometer. I brought a coralife and he brought seatest hydrometer but from different place. And we measure the same water from the fish tank and we get different salinity level both hydrometer are brand new. Coralife=1.020, Seatest =1.022. Is it alot different. Which meter should i trust then?
  12. I had already tried henry's food before and find that the water a bit blur after feeding so I stopped feeding.
  13. SeaTest Hydrometer...anyone???
  14. Haha...U all everyday feed the same food ah...Your fishes keep eating the same food.. buai sian ah..
  15. How about SEATEST hydrometer?
  16. Hi all At the moment I am feeding my fishes with Ocean Nutrition Formula One pellets and frozen brimp shrimps. Is it good enough? Any other recommed food to give my fishes a balance diet? My FOWLR Tank Livestocks : 1 Yellow Tang 1 Blue Tang 8 Ocellaris Clownfish(Nemo) 1 Africa Clownfish 1 Tomato Black Clownfish 2 Akindynos Clownfish 1 Four Stripe Damselfish 1 Yellow Angelfish 1 Rusty Angelfish 1 Bicolor Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Sand Goby Pls Advice
  17. Hi all, What brand of hydrometer are most of the reefer using? And which brand is good?
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