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Everything posted by silver_tang

  1. Hi Selling above @ $100. Used for 2 years. Reason: Giving up Interested Pls E-mail mi at taycheenam@gmail.com
  2. C328 got sell mah. They got T5 and PL lights. I bought my Dymax T5 lights from them. If u wan thoses veri good brand mayb dun have la.
  3. Selling above for $450 with 10 months warrenty in veri good condition. Interested pls PM mi.
  4. Selling above for $450 with 10 months warrenty in veri good condition. Interested pls PM mi.
  5. Hi bro. I used to like you having 7 fire goby. My worst always hide in the rocks dun cme out 1 only cme out during feeding..eat liao faster hide into the rocks like waste money buying tis kind of fishes. Now all up the lorry few weeks nv seen them lor.
  6. Hi all. I got 2 brand new dymax white T5 tube for 3 FT 21W-12000K for sale. Selling for $22. Interested pls PM mi. Note: Only for dymax Lighting.
  7. Looking for 3 FT T5 lighting with 2 tubes or 4 tubes. Pls PM mi if anyone selling.
  8. Hi all. I think alot of our reefer here like to make their own selfmix food to feed their fishes. Any bros n sis here would like to share their recipes?
  9. Hi all. Looking for 3 feets PL light. Anyone willing to let go, pls PM mi.
  10. Hi bros. My live rocks used to have alot coraline alage because i am having a FOWLR tank i dun need such strong lighting as time go by my rock are losing the coraline alage and becoming white. Do I need change the live rocks and replace wif new ones or change to a stronger lighting? Will the rock become white affect my fishes anot? Pls Advice
  11. 9 Chromic 4 Nemo 1 Yellow Tang 1 Purple Tang 1 Blue Tang 1 Powder Blue Tang I am using FL lights.
  12. Dear Bros and Sis Really dun know that the response will be so big after starting this thread. Is not that I want to bring this LFS down because people are doing business and making a living also. But last night think liao really super buaysong therefore decide to bring this matter up. I had PM the boss of this LFS to tell her to come and read this thread hope she will do something about it... if not too bad then.
  13. Actually long time never visit tis shop liao bcos of the lousy customer service and bad attuide of the lady boss but her malay maid and husband is relli a nice person. Heard from a friend tat the lady boss attuide change liao..wan to give it a try again but in the end... kanan tis kind of treatment...WTF
  14. Bro. Go C328..Auntie cme new stocks liao but the price up by $2 for 1 packet.
  15. Hi all Today I went a marine aquarium in the west actually planning to get 5 fire goby for my fish tank. Before I go I call up the shop and ask the boss whether they have stock a not saying tat 1 want 5 goby and her reply is “YES we do and we have more than that“. When I reach the place searching high and low and I can only find 3 goby and 1 of them the head tail is broken. Then I ask the lady boss saying that I was the one that call just now how come there is only 3 fire goby. Then she go to her tank and ask her worker (Malay Maid) say .. Wah my fishes all jump out from the tank ah saying that her maid did not take care of the fishes well. Oh….come on… your tank got a top cover on it how can the fishes jump out. Then I start to understand her idea behind it. She already know she dun have the fishes. She only want me to come down to her aquarium. Thinking that she dun have fire goby and I will buy other fishes from her instead of fire goby. Really unsatisfactory with this kind of customer service and I will never ever return to this shop again.
  16. Thanks bros. Thinking of adding 5 more firefish goby I think my tank lack of red combination. Any comments?
  17. I am using 30kg of live rocks, tank size is 3 by 1.5 by 1.5 feet and those are plastic plants.
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