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Everything posted by Mdsalman

  1. Removing sold item; New Seachem cupramin 250 ml—> 30 all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 copper power --> 8 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Metroplex --> 20 Seachem amguard --> 10 Seachem focus --> 10 Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polypab polypbooster 75% left --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Upzz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Hi All, I have All for reef available from a decommissioned tank. all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 Please message me on whatsapp at 90061528 if interested.
  4. Updated list: all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 cupramin --> 35 copper power --> 8 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Metroplex --> 20 Seachem amguard --> 10 Seachem focus --> 10 Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polypab polypbooster 75% left --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5
  5. Ups Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Have around 15 kg caribsea rocks and various shapes. These are left from a decommissioned tank. Selling it at 10$/kg Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Can whatsapp me on 90061528 for further discussion Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Yes, sent you a DM Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Upzz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. 20 KG caribsea dry rock aquascape --> 200 all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 hannah HR copper test kit without reagent --> 65 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 cupramin --> 35 copper power --> 8 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Metroplex --> 20 Seachem amguard --> 10 Seachem focus --> 10 Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polypab polypbooster 75% left --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5
  11. Updated list hailea 66a chiller --> 200 1 Red sea reefer led 90 with mounting arm---> 400 RED SEA REEFER 250 AQUARIUM MARINE / REEF COMPLETE TANK SET WITH CABINET (WHITE)--> 1000 ---> Length : 90cm. Height : 53cm. Width : 50cm. Total Height with Cabinet : 140cm. Jebao Adjustable Sump Return DC Water Pump ---> 40 20 KG caribsea dry rock --> 200 all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 dymax thermometer --> 2 hannah HR copper test kit --> 75 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 cupramin --> 35 copper power --> 8 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Metroplex --> 20 Seachem amguard --> 10 Seachem focus --> 10 Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polypbooster --> Polylab medic --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5
  12. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Upzzz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Current available items: hailea 66a chiller --> 200 2 Red sea reefer led 90 with mounting arm---> 800 RED SEA REEFER 250 AQUARIUM MARINE / REEF COMPLETE TANK SET WITH CABINET (WHITE)--> 1000 ---> Length : 90cm. Height : 53cm. Width : 50cm. Total Height with Cabinet : 140cm. Jebao Adjustable Sump Return DC Water Pump ---> 40 Glamorca GP03 Gyre-Flow Pump--> 80---> reserved 20 KG caribsea dry rock --> 200 Caribsea live sand --> 2x20kg --> 45 all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 dymax thermometer --> 2 hannah HR copper test kit --> 75 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 cupramin --> 35 copper power --> 8 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Coral dip rx pro --> 20 Metroplex --> 20 Rowa carbon --> 10 Seachem amguard --> 10 Seachem focus --> 10 Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polypbooster --> Polylab medic --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5
  17. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. Upsss Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. Upz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Following reserved: All Salifert test kits Skimmer Chiller All for reef powder Refractometre Dosing pump Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Equipments available now along with some free items. First come first serve. Please get the items checked before buying to avoid any misunderstanding. Referral links provided after most items so that you can get the basic idea of the product. All items used around 1.5 years. Contact on whatsapp at 90061528 for more details =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== hailea 66a chiller --> 200 ---> reserved =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== 2 Red sea reefer led 90 with mounting arm---> 800 https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/red-sea-reefled?variant=37550099071126&currency=SGD&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPZY92m9gGQ3_OCqb5ifmdRCNhYNpwbb8UuTLNj1nWwS_6Niy3nt3phoC--kQAvD_BwE https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/red-sea-reefled-universal-mounting-arm?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPY_uGYdZmeABkEFNNG8s8ZyFqn6F9BEcpFSB_xNxFXxSfXk7CQxG4BoCGG4QAvD_BwE&variant=42258869158141 =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== RED SEA REEFER 250 AQUARIUM MARINE / REEF COMPLETE TANK SET WITH CABINET (WHITE)--> 1000 https://www .lazada.sg/products/red-sea-reefer-250-aquarium-marine-reef-complete-tank-set-with-cabinet-white-i2104284287-s11784136487.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:13754226424!119527776210!!!pla-297963845945!c!297963845945!11784136487!260178620&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPRFvYR2H_vUzkIp0PKVXHb0nG4vf6GroD6Fd_GxX5f91PEssMKmIjRoCrzsQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== Jebao Adjustable Sump Return DC Water Pump ---> 40 https://www.lazada.sg/products/jebao-adjustable-sump-return-dc-water-pump-dcp-series-super-quiet-energy-for-aquarium-fish-tank-i1958200509-s10512961400.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:13754226424!119527776210!!!pla-297963845945!c!297963845945!10512961400!483668695&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPeEdRgyE5I4VgfEOU8p8UWBFybhDvarJF7tUl-TjdNqt0OVIH7ktIBoC9OMQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== BUBBLE MAGUS BM Z6 (DC) Protein Skimmer ---> 130 https://www.reefmarketsg.com.sg/filtration/protein-skimmers/bubble-magus/bubble-magus-z6-dc-protein-skimmer =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== Glamorca GP03 Gyre-Flow Pump--> 80 https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/maxspect-glamorca-gp03-gyre-flow-pump?variant=35604439306&currency=SGD&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPc1nAVOTU4QKPXLywCkAG96aZNLPpM-Ug5QyIg5idCup12GpzQiM4hoCVIkQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== 20 KG caribsea dry rock --> 200 https://shopee.sg/<LOCAL-SELLER>CaribSea-24--Life-Rock-Arc-i.237225969.5523395275?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPZnWlKjJJZX8BsUKahDbKH1LceQlXdby6aRLqLR_hl-EvgQpoWdL8hoCVKQQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== Caribsea live sand --> 2x20kg --> 45 https://shopee.sg/<LOCAL-SELLER>Caribsea-live-sand-20lb-i.237225969.6823392260?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPYRG7Kx4Hzmhz2fs6giiDoPHL-pRaRcuvS51Bt0gwitPOmvRnCUroBoCydgQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== all for reef liquid --> 500 ML --> 15 https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/tropic-marin-all-for-reef?variant=32134533283936 =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== new all for reef powder unopened ---> 1600grams -->70 ---> reserved https://shopee.sg/Tropic-Marin-All-For-Reef-Powder-800g-i.212153972.7258341866?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPeUQnhwYXJxFhJfrB9_Cat7fxF4eeQ7KgJduCbnO6ZEmODuAmENduBoCFTMQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== nopox ---> half bottle --> 10 https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/red-sea-no3-po4-x-nitrate-phosphate-remover-500ml?variant=36956417226&currency=SGD&gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPXWmK74qSMOKi3GOYzya6JMi6VAx_CVUk2s_f8Go8R3W_JsL81CvFRoC_MYQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== jebao auto dosing pump 4 head---> 40 https://shopee.sg/Jebao-Auto-Dosing-Pump-i.10227.146361?gclid=CjwKCAiA6Y2QBhAtEiwAGHybPRbRgoYktrC-wjnCGJ-4Bco8mPjs56lToJLmuhaGmadK-nUeKdqD8BoCdYwQAvD_BwE =============================================================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================== dymax thermometer --> 2 hannah HR copper test kit --> 75 Seachem nitrate test --> 5 Seachem phosphate --> 10 Seachem calcium --> 10 Seachem kh --> 10 Seachem mg --> 10 brightwell calci --> 10 brightwell alkaline 8.3 --> 10 Brightwell Microbactor7 --> 20 SGD cupramin --> 35 copper power --> 8 Seachem amguard --> 10 API copper test kit --> 5 API general cure --> 10 Kanaplex --> 8 Furan -->8 Prazi gold --> 10 Coral dip rx pro --> 20 Metroplex --> 20 Seachem focus --> 10 Rowa carbon --> 10 Refractometre --> 10 --> reserved Polylab medic half bottle --> 25 Selcon --> 5 Polylab medic --> 20 Spectrum pelets --> 5 Hailea motor --> 5
  22. Upzz Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. Rhodactic mushroom is now 4 heads still the same price - 30$ Red/maroon mushroom 7 heads - 25$ Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. Live stock update with reduced price: Corals available: Green/blue acan 10 head - 45$ Rhodactic mushroom 3 head - 30$ Mushroom 4+ head - 25$ Orange plate coral - 45$ Take all for 140$ Fish available: Midas blenny - 45$ Lawnmower - 10$ Take both for 50$ Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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