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Everything posted by jinsheng_yip

  1. Tunze 8850 Full spectrum LED Impulse buy from another reefer, now got too many lights. Used only for 2 weeks from purchase. RRP @ $220, gg at $80. 150104/redhill mrt More info found in links below. https://www.freshnmarine.com/products/tunze-led-full-spectrum?variant=35924122271894&currency=SGD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-06-16&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7YyCBhD_ARIsALkj54pcJmJt_FZLUsFhb3mSXOOwKh0JX1FgalKvd8WNfaUbiZuotvlS7wMaAtC4EALw_wcB https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/my-review-of-the-tunze-8850-leds.382903/ TLDR; submersible LED fixture, adjustable spectrum with magnet
  2. Hi all! Soft coral frags for sale. All attached to rock. Green Polyp Finger Leather(3 different pieces), Pulsing Xenia and Blueberry Pie zoas, all $8 per frag. Payment in $DOGE also accepted. Location: 150104, Redhill area
  3. Looking to sell off my GSP colony, growing a little too fast. Two color variations of GSP, encrusted on Caribsea life rock. Price $35, can give abit of discount if you can bring me some Caribsea Life Rock (from your tank, cycled) to exchange. DM me if you need more details! Collection at 150104 / Redhill MRT *First three pics of colony, not broken off yet. **Additional video attached if you'd like to see the colony open 20210216_005513000_iOS.MOV
  4. Can sell for $5 as well, bought at at $8 from ABA.
  5. Hi all, have a Burrowing urchin (Echinometra mathaei) I bought a week ago for trade with x2 turbo snails or any other CUC offer. thought it’ll help me with my algae but its munching on my macros instead hahaha Location South!
  6. one RPE left! 4 heads + 3 babies. @ $15
  7. Red People Eaters! some excess from my main colony. Also have DingDangs for sale, for anyone interested. RPEs $15each. DingDangs $10 for 4 polyps. Collection at Redhill MRT or 150104. Photos taken with iPhone XR with temperature correction. RPE main colony for reference: Cheers!
  8. @peedeers ahh i see okay will try that. Thanks for the input! My main concern about maintaining dKH levels with water changes is that I will only be able to replenish the levels once a week, and might result in drops and spikes, and would much prefer the stable approach of daily dosing. I also do not have the extra time to do mid week water changes as well Will 1.025 be on the dangerous side however? My tank experiences fluctuations every day as I dont have an ATO, I'm afraid the heightened salinity to 1.027 at max will have adverse effects on the microfauna in my tank. How about dosing, what are u currently dosing/ do u have any suggestions? Also do u think 8.5dKH is a good number to aim for, or to go for NSW levels at 7dKH?
  9. i do 10% every week, and measuring with red sea pro test kit!
  10. Hi all! Would like to gather some opinions and experiences regarding dosing KH and Ca for mixed reefs before i start to do so myself. My current levels for my Major Elements are: Alk: 4.7 dKH, Ca: 390ppm, Mg: 1120ppm. this wasn’t too much of a surprise since I havent actually dosed since the start of the tank 5 months ago. I have a small Acan Lord colony, 3 headed Duncans and 1 Forest fire digitata frag, but i intend to increase stock gradually with LPS/SPS in the future. Currently, I’m looking for a 2 part/ solution that doesnt require rigging up a dosing pump; i intend to dose manually. These are my choices: 1. Tropic Marin’s All-For-Reef (All in one, but expensive long term) 2. Red Sea Reef foundation A,B,C (does not contain minir trace elements) 3. Switch to Red Sea Coral Pro salt to achieve higher levels My tank volume is at 120litres, currently using Red Sea blue bucket, maintaining at 1.023-1.025. After watching most of BRS’s videos, I would like to hear if anyone has experiences with the above products, or recommendations from advanced reefers for 2 part dosing. Thanks in advance and Happy holidays!
  11. Photosynthetic gorgonians trimmings! 2 x 15cm tall pieces: $15 each. 2 x 5cm tall frags: FOC! great for beginners if you wanna try gorgonians out Collection at 150104/ Redhill MRT. FOC pieces at my block please
  12. Collection @150104 / Redhill MRT DingDang People Eater Zoanthids - $10 | $7 (ID: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/ding-dang-people-eaters.106400/) Pandora Paly Frag - $10 (ID: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/wwc-pandora-palys-etc.74251/ ) Mini Colony: $20 Green Finger Leather: $8 (Attached to rubble)
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