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XPeriment 626

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Posts posted by XPeriment 626

  1. yeah typo error. somepeople say not that fantastic also. y i choose this S2 IS is because of the 0cm supermacro mode

    0cm macro mode is cool but harder to use than it sounds... unless your subject is backlit or the light is falling from directly overhead, if you plant the lens right up at the object, you will block the light falling on it and your picture will be very dark. I suppose if you do nature photography (insects, plants, etc) it will be very useful. :)

  2. Great discussion, come on some more please.

    But remember, this is discussion.

    Please no trace of religion and not effect to others.


    that's like saying "lets have a discussion on how a car runs.... but please no mention of PETROL!"

    maybe if you weren't so against discussion religion, you might actually find some answers ;)

  3. I HATE PPL CALLED ME BROs here since I don't even know u or meet you before and you call me bro. How do you know whether I am MAN or WOMAN.

    So think about it, every day is LIE DAY

    aiyah y get so upset? sometimes it is just a way of being friendly, not like people are pretending to be your best friend or something.

    you rather people greet you with "oi, stranger!" :lol:

  4. the thing about credit cards is not just the interest, it is that you can easily spend money you have not yet earned, because you just swipe and can buy whatever you want, worry about the cost later. When this becomes a habit it is very difficult to stop... until you become bankrupt. :(

  5. Dun need lar...let me teach u

    1. put the trap into tank

    2. put some food or if u wan to put yr prata also can

    3. got downstairs, cut some lalang, leaves etc

    4. open store room, take out full pack

    5. put on No.4, boots.

    6. put lalang onto helmet and wear it

    7. take out camouflauge stick, draw yr face :sick:

    8. now u r operational and fully camouflauge (yr flame cant see u) :P

    9. if yr fish goes into the trap, go forward and close the trap door... :pinch:

    Hurray..............mission accomplised, u had done something proud for the country :lol:


  6. Wigan, welcome to EPL. Brave fight they put up, but too greedy in the end. Don't give enough respect to Chelsea, get spanked big time. Like Man U in the past, used to beat people with 90th minute goals. It's not over until the final whistle, hope our EPL new boys learnt their lesson :lol:

  7. Think you need to ask the girl to honestly tell you where she sees this r-ship going, whether it can turn into something meaningful (which probably requires a divorce from his wife first) or are they heading for a painful wake-up call. She might be in denial, enjoying the moment, without considering the consequences of her actions.

    As for the guy, sounds like he has to work through issues in his own marriage. It is easy to say "I'm in love" and talk about the wonderful things another person has brought into your life. But if you already are married, this is not only wrong and irresponsible, it is usually an easy way out of dealing with marital issues, such as the couple not communicating like before, the passion not being kept alive (yes, you must work at maintaining the passion in a marriage) or simply allowing too much routine to creep into their lives so that everything becomes boring.

    You should ask the guy too where he thinks this can go, and whether he is willing to sacrifice his family and years of his life being invested into it, or whether he should recognise this temporary pleasure for what it is and make a clean break to rebuild his marriage and his family.

  8. Actually, I think if you leave the skimmer on, you are slowing down the cycling process. But it just means you will have to introduce LS gradually, which is not a bad thing.

    I would rather cycle without skimming and then once the nitrite levels drop to undetectable, do a major water change just before introducing LS. From this point onwards I would start skimming heavily.

    Don't forget, your overflow system helps to aerate the tank, to skim while cycling is not only wasting electricity, it is counter-productive to the cycling process (in terms of how long it will take to be cycled).

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