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XPeriment 626

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Posts posted by XPeriment 626

  1. The gov do not normally announced the budget (year end bonus) too early as they do not want to over-commit themselves.

    The common practise is to do it during the later months of the year, eg October or November. This year is the latest so far.

    actually this year they did announce the bonus in the middle of the year as 0.5 month in july and 0.5 month in dec. what they did yesterday was simply adjust the figure by adding a 0.25 month special bonus on top of what had earlier been announced because of the good economy.

    so the actual bonus is just 1.25 month, considering that the 13th month is not really a bonus, it is basically the deferred portion of your monthly pay.

  2. venue 1-Bio Ocean or yio chu kang mrt

    8th of december 5-7pm

    1) untouchables

    2) alanseah (pls wait for me for a while @ yio chu kang mrt, as I might be late abit. CAN I HAVE YOUR HP so easier for me to contact u)


    4) Spidey


    venue 2-bukit batok west blk 272-macdonald's

    8th of december 7.30-9pm

    1) Ekia

    2) Shawncel

    3) BarraCuda™



    venue 3-iwarna

    9th of december 4.30-6pm

    1)Nic a Jon





    venue 4-Bishan street 24 Blk 279

    9th of december 6.30-11.30pm




    4)XPeriment 626


  3. a DSB is what people consider to be 4" - 6" of sand. The purpose of this is to create an area at the bottom of the sandbed where there is little to no oxygen available, leading to the growth of anaerobic bacteria. This bacteria derives its oxygen for metabolism by breaking down nitrates (NO3) into harmless nitrogen gas (N2) which then slowly escapes the tank via the water above. Therefore, the purpose of a DSB is to process nitrates (produced by fish waste and other decomposing matter in the tank) into nitrogen. Note though, that a DSB can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to mature, ie. become effective at what it is supposed to do.

  4. IMHO apart from missing cisse, baros and garcia, liverpool probably played with the best team it could field (even if the injured players come back) and certainly this is the defence i would like to see in the long term. Traore and Josemi really sux bad and I can't understand at all why they even get a game. Both being injured to me is a real jackpot, and now Liverpool have no choice but to field Riise and Finnan, which I've always felt are much more solid. It's no fluke to hold Arsenal to 1 shot on goal the whole game. If you watched the match you would've seen how little space the fullbacks gave the Arsenal wingers. People are quick to say Arsenal played badly, but maybe Liverpool played well and threw them out of the rhythm, so they looked like they played badly but maybe they did ok considering how tough Liverpool made life for them.

    It's also a measure of the high standards expected of Arsenal that when they lose two away games to teams as tough as Man U and Liverpool, people say they are in crisis. C'mon, they didn't lose to Norwich or Blackburn, you know. Give them a break. They'll still be chasing for the title right to the end.

  5. heck, i'll try this. then can give my 9 bulb to my fren :D


    Each for $25 inclusive of batteries,these are 19bulb models which are much brighter than the 14 bulb models.So put on ya sungalsses and lets get rolling.

    1)kianmee X 6(unconfirmed)

    2)XPeriment 626






  6. personally i would suggest you got for the coralife 12x. anything less and you might as well save your money, it won't be as effective in combating parasites (which are hardier than bacteria). adjust to the flowrate recommended for parasites and you will kill harmful bacteria too, but note that this flowrate tends to be quite low so might take a while to process all the water in your tank.

  7. yo bro.... fireworks seldom seen on that side of the CBD...unless fired from marina south area..hehe

    the reflections on the water surface also abit funny because some parts in focus, some parts out of focus :P

    nonetheless, good try with the PSing...hehe :)

    hahah yeah gd try but next time dun put some of the fireworks IN FRONT of OUB building and others behind the rest of the buildings :P

  8. yea. and if ur teachers manage to manipulate the coral's genes thus manipulating the colours, growth and other phenotypes of the corals, probably nobel prize worthy.

    It will take goodness knows how long just to isolate the gene for colours, don't talk about manipulating it.

    Imagine, what if they manipulate the wrong genes by accident, then instead of colourful corals we get giant mutant ship-eating corals that walk out of the water and smash skyscrapers.... muahahahahahahahahhaah :evil:

  9. Is the same provided the surface area of the DSB is large enough ;)

    But I believe it is quite difficult for those reefer to have a 4ft main tank and 4ft remote DSB tank :lol:

    For me, I have 2X1.5X1.5 main tank and 2X1.5X1.5 remote DSB tank. :)

    I'm actually in the process of setting up my new tank and I have a 2'x1.5'x0.5' DSB in the sump area for my 5'x2'x2' tank. It might not be as effective as a full DSB but with a lot of matured LRs in the main tank, a good skimmer, some macroalgae and regular water change I think the nitrates can be kept low.

    Plus, as per what this thread is about, if the old tank syndrome appears because of nutrient leaching from the DSB, it will be a lot easier for me to restart the sump DSB than if it were in my main tank...just like what Jun Hong said above.

  10. me got the 9 bulb model so will try out the 14 bulb one. 9 bulb already darn bright, can't imagine the 14 bulb!! :blink:

    BFG, per your request above i also added you into the list.


    10 pieces comes fully with batteries.

    SGD$15 EACH












    ONLY 4 available,Splash proof,Rubber grip,Button activated,inclusive of batteries

    SGD$23 EACH



    3)XPeriment 626


  11. Jun Hong dude, do you have like fishes in your remote tank? If have, thats good your method is working. If not, add a one or two damsels to have a nitrogen cycle and upkeep the live in the rocks as well as in the sand.

    My 2 cents worth.. ;)

    Is there a need for this? Shouldn't the waste from the main tank be sufficient to maintain the bacteria in the remote tank? Seems like a redundant act to put fish in the remote tank.

  12. no, got a tankmaker to make a new tank with the same dimensions but thicker glass and proper eurobracing, plus a hole in the bottom for the overflow to the sump. and also got a sump from the tankmaker.

    added a whole lot of necessary equipment too - skimmer, chiller, T5 lights, fluidised reactor, UV steriliser. might get a calcium reactor but not just yet.

    the old tank i am decommissioning and selling later on.

    don't bother trying to drill a hole in your atlantis tank. it's not worth the risk, effort and cost since it is a really difficult and dangerous task if not done by experts with the proper tools. once cracked you have a useless piece of glass. better to custom make a new one to proper specs and sell off the old one.

  13. No offence to your school but I see it as nothing more than a disinterested rich parent blindly giving his kid money to buy a supercomputer, a T1 line, 48" LCD screen to 'learn' computer skills with his friend 'supervising' at home without asking for a course curriculum or report card. For all he knows, his kid would be 'hard at work' mugging to be the best Counterstrike player in Singapore. (No offence to rich parents or Counterstrike players).

    oi! I play Counterstrike hor! :P

    BH, you don't seem to get what people are trying to say. You gotta learn to walk before you can learn to run. Ignoring AT's advice to start with softies and going straight to exotic SPS when your little research project hasn't even started up yet is not only unwise and potentially wasteful because of how expensive mistakes will be, but it reeks of self-serving commercial and recreational intent. Pardon my saying, but IMHO this is a way of using taxpayer money to fund a personal hobby. I suppose every frag of every exotic coral in the project will stay in your school tanks and no little fragment will mysteriously find its way into the homes of the students involved. Unless of course, the home tanks are part of the research project in which case I guess everything's hunky dory.

    And whatever you may think of people who say "impossible", putting them down in that way is just as immature. You can stand on your box and proclaim that you will flap your arms and reach the moon, and when people say "impossible" you can call them narrow minded. That's really your prerogative. But when people give you well meaning advice and you respond with more than a little cockiness about your mysterious underground scientists and great system you are going to set up, it gets rather less than amusing. Perhaps you're actually working on a nuclear weapon or a death ray, so the cloak of secrecy is necessary. Other than that, when we ask for some accountability for how our tax dollars are being spent and we get evasive answers, it sounds more like there isn't a good reason other than "a really fun thing to do with other people's money".

    Maybe when you start working and have to pay some bills you will understand why people are so concerned with these issues. Until then you can continue to dig your heels in and carry on despite all the advice that everyone is giving. At least you won't be the first to pour Singaporeans' hard earned money down the drain.

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