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XPeriment 626

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Posts posted by XPeriment 626

  1. i've been looking around for a torch like that for a while and when moron clown offered it for sale, i immediately took up the offer. even if there was a shop somewhere in singapore that sold it cheaper, the point is that i didn't know of such a shop, so as far as i was concerned, getting it from moron clown was a good deal. that's as simple as it is. you cannot go around judging things using hindsight. if you don't like moron clown's price, you should have gone and found alternatives. the fact that you didn't, or couldn't find that one shop, means you were obtaining a hard-to-find product so you have no cause for complaints.

    thumbs up for moron clown who went through a lot of effort to make sure we could pick up the torches with minimum hassle. :thanks:

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------


    5' x 22" (w) x 28" (h) tank, 10mm thickness, eurobracing top and bottom

    1' long internal overflow box that can contain filter wool and coral chips

    Internally mounted return pump (around 600 l/h)

    5 months old (bought it brand new in mid july, intended for marine use)

    About 20kg of coral chips optional with tank (free)

    Reason for sale:

    Upgraded my tank to new one with an external overflow so I can run a sump for my marine fish


    Self-collect near Serangoon Gardens. Anytime starting today.


    $50! You have to settle your own transport costs though.

    SMS me at 97901711 if interested.


  3. not really...i have two fire walls...but never detected any intrusion...look through the whole list of this happening but nothing...or maybe i lucky....but all my two firewalls did is always interupting my internet access.. <_<<_<<_<

    are you using a router? if you are, that will mask the IPs of your PCs and your firewalls will generally not have to deal with intrusions. a good router is quite decent as a firewall in itself.

  4. As far as I see you are just opening your mouth being unbiased and making good points!

    Chill dude, I'm asking you to substantiate your claims, not saying anything personal. Keep this civil, or you won't be taken seriously, no matter who you supposedly represent.

    And I reiterate that I have nothing to do with Aquapharm and am not taking anybody's side on anything. But it bothers me that people when pissed, even if they have good reason to be so, start making general statements without giving proper detail. And, based on just the emotion and vitriol found in the statements, we're somehow supposed to believe these people's side of the story. I don't think so. <_<

    I'm equally interested to know the truth behind this saga, and if indeed Aquapharm is guilty of all you claim, I'm sure you'll succeed in pressing your claims through legal means. But how does starting a flame thread in sgreef help anything? More facts please Chemifish, but do tone down your posts.

  5. is it the super LED kind?

    not sure what you mean but it's so bloody bright you can't look into it for long.

    it's good for illuminating a broad circular area, but doesn't have the intensity over a long distance for strong pin-point illum like a diving torch would give.

    still, bought two from moron clown already :lol:

  6. I hope this has cleared up some information for anyone out there who was confused at all. Perhaps Aquapharm hasn't put anything on here to defend themselves and give PROOF! Simply because they CAN'T!!! All of you have already seen from your own research that something is definitely wrong with that company! Buyer be ware, I know I wouldn't put anything into my own reef tank if the company looks like it is using deceptive business practices, because if a company uses such practices against other companies, are they really looking out for your tank, using quality control and etc??

    Please clarify if you are referring only to the filtration media that they sell which is the PUR-II product, or if you are referring to ALL aquapharm products including the other additives.

    You may have reason to be upset by what you say are unethical practices, but it is another thing altogether to take broad brush and attack every product brought in by a company.

    I am not defending Aquapharm, but I don't think you have given any basis for your sweeping accusations apart from your personal opinions.

  7. think the blame shouldnt be focused on the farm owner. The MAIN CULPRIT is still the IRRESPONSIBLE PET OWNER WHO DISCARDED THE DOGS.

    And sadly, forsaken/ill treated pets are nothing new, and may be on the rise as well. And with pets, i do mean fishes as well...

    So before we point fingers, let's all do some soul searching and try our best to prevent ourselves or people we know to repeat the same mistakes IRREGARDLESS of the EXTENT of the cruelty involved...

    sorry but i disagree.

    1) who knows if the "customer" is telling the truth or is a friend who is lying to cover for the dog farm owner.

    2) so what if they were really found in the drain and someone else is responsible for abandoning the dogs? the condition that the volunteers found them in the farm, and the desperation of the dogs there proves that the farm owner is at least equally, if not more, responsible for the cruelty.

    they should arrest him and question him + his "customer" and expose the bullsh*t :angry:

  8. whoa. if boyd's allegations about the quality of aquapharm's products are true... that's bad news. i'm sure lots of local reefers use some of it. however, his comments seem to be directed at the filtration medium and not the other products like the coral food and tank supplements.

    shall await more breaking news... :ph34r:

  9. Reading that thread on arofanatics, i found it quite amusing that someone was saying that perhaps it is an sg company saying the product is made in the USA so that people will trust it more as people here tend to think US/European products are better. He goes on to say that we should be proud of singapore products and their quality, e.g. Creative Tech. BUT, he ends by saying, "still, I feel cheated".

    That, to me, shows that for all his attempts to sound pro-Singapore products, in his mind he thought he was buying a US product and was disappointed to learn that it might be local made. i.e. he himself is biased towards foreign made things.

    Moral of the story: no matter whether you think it is ethical to advertise a locally made product as being a US product if only a small part of the process was done outside sg, you have to admit that Singaporeans STILL largely think that overseas made things are better and will more readily pay for such a product. Thus, marketing people will be tempted to brand things as imported. It's an old trick, but still highly effective because of how people like us think (yes, i am guilty too).

  10. Description:

    5' x 22" (w) x 28" (h) tank, 10mm thickness, eurobracing top and bottom

    1' long internal overflow box that can contain filter wool and coral chips

    Internally mounted return pump (around 600 l/h)

    5 months old (bought it brand new in mid july)

    About 20kg of coral chips optional with tank (free)

    Reason for sale:

    Upgraded my tank to new one with an external overflow so I can run a sump


    Self-collect near Serangoon Gardens. Anytime starting today.


    PM your best price pls. :thanks:

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