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XPeriment 626

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Everything posted by XPeriment 626

  1. don't think you can consider that the final figure. you must also divide the cost of the DI unit (e.g. $299 from ML) by the total amount you finally use. so say you use the DI unit for 3000 litres of water (for example), you must add another $0.10 per litre. plus PUB water it will come closer to the bottled water price. but should still be less.
  2. if there was a massive fire then you could get away. if it is a small fire like that day, they just go back and check CCTV, then you can play wif your camera in CHANGI PRISON loh
  3. Tried before. It's ok, not superb or anything but not bad either. The thing is, I've actually found different standards from the same caterers on different days. So I think you just have to stay away from dubious caterers and hope for the best on the actual day you need the food catered.
  4. Agreed. But the fault for this lies not with the DVD-R but with the cable decoder box which only allows one channel signal at a time. Nothing you can do about that. Even with a normal VCR, if you are recording from SCV you also cannot watch one channel and record another. BTW I'm using a Panasonic and it's otherwise fine.
  5. eh this foam story appeared in today's New Paper loh! Page 4... hahaha
  6. can try this too http://www.thomsoncatering.com.sg
  7. be careful about buying "original looking" nokia batteries. they have been the cause of many explosions and fires in Europe. Nokia strongly advises against using fake nokia batteries. Besides losing your phone, you could lose the right (or left) side of your face!!
  8. I think a single mini-lagoon will have almost no effect on pollution in the sea. It's like saying that by farting, you could pollute the world's atmosphere in a significant way. Industrial and reclamation work is indescribably more destructive to reefs and education + public pressure on govts is better than individuals refraining from keeping a few fish. In fact, if you succeed in making your lagoon work, you could use it to create awareness of the wonders of marine life and reefs, and from there it will make a bigger impact in conservation than if you just do nothing and scuba dive.
  9. Wow all the Christians start appearing on this thread liao inspiring words bro, I know the Lord will bless you as you choose to walk evermore closely with Him. All the best to you and your wife!
  10. it will be very difficult to win EPL next season especially with Chelsea's squad being further improved. If they buy a real striker (ie shevchenko standard) instead of kezman and drogba, they will be next to invincible. as for Pool, the CL trophy is really due to Benitez's incredible tactical abilities (except for the foolish attempt to use Kewell, who should be SOLD). the squad itself is very weak and a major clearout is necessary. Good thing is that the pride of the club is back plus a bit of spending money and extra confidence in the manager so there is a strong hope for rebuilding over the next couple of seasons. Traore is so bad that Pool should PAY other clubs to take him. Everton wants him? GOOD! no more CL football for them after next season if they use Traore. He was responsible for the first and second goals... what a moron other people who should be sold - Hyypia (speed of a pregnant cow), Baros (used to like him, but now he's quite predictable and inconsistent), Josemi and Pellegrino (pay peanuts, get MONKEYS), Smicer (ok, great goals, but defensively was doing what?). I think Riise - Gerrard - Alonso - Garcia is the top midfield in EPL, once they have some playing time together. Don't forget Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea all have had pretty settled midfields for some time now, whereas Pool has a bunch of new players and been rocked with injury problems. Looks like UEFA is under heavy pressure to let Pool in next season. If they don't they will look really really bad. Don't forget, TV companies and major sponsors are leaning on them because Pool will be able to draw a worldwide fan base compared to some small eastern european team.
  11. AC Milan played a little better but football isn't always about who played better. Liverpool is fifth in EPL because a lot of games they play better but fail to win the game. Milan shouldn't even be in the final as most neutrals agree that PSV was the better team over two legs of the semis. And it's easy to say Milan played well because of the first half. But if I give you 3-0 lead to defend with your entire ITALIAN team for just 45 minutes, and you concede three goals in six minutes, I think you have to admit that overall you didn't play that well over two halves. Liverpool played better than Chelsea in the League Cup final but still lost in the end. Having said that, Chelsea can KEEP THE LEAGUE CUP. We are keeping the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE TROPHY FOR GOOD. fyi: League titles - Chelsea 2, Liverpool 18 Euro Cups - Chelsea 0, Liverpool 5 Hmmm.
  12. should watch episode 4-6 then go back to 1-3. if not you will be very pissed with the quality of special effects in the original trilogy. also, episode 4 is like the "intro" movie which explains the force and lightsabers etc etc, whereas episode 1 assumes you know all this liao.
  13. no problem, that's how they sleep my perculas haven't had a host for more than six months and they're fine.
  14. If you look at the lampposts on most expressways now, there are a LOT of video cameras installed... almost one every three or four lampposts. Road traffic condition monitoring? Bull***t. Why do we need overlapping cameras for that? Must be ISD installing a spy network on the x-ways...
  15. Mine 24/7 for more than 6 months now. No ich or bacteria issues.
  16. that's a lot of aggressive tangs in a small area
  17. i've had three juvenile blue tangs with me for about six months now. No ich. I use a coralife UV all the time, and no seawater - salt mix only. Also be careful when introducing new fish to quarantine properly. Also, I use Ocean Nutrition formula 2 pellets, which contain garlic.
  18. he's actually trying to copy a very popular online video that has been going on for awhile. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/dudelipsync.html http://media2.big-boys.com/myamya.wmv http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~enak/crazydj.wmv http://news.com.com/Internet+fame+is+cruel...tml?tag=st.prev
  19. You cannot use the argument that there is already gambling in Singapore to justify bringing in a casino. The problem with a casino is that it is a purpose-built environment to feed gamblers' excitement and the desire to try their luck, with the idea that the next throw of the dice will erase all your past losses. In addition, the easy provision of credit will allow people who are already "high" and not thinking about their losses to walk over and borrow more money before walking back to the table to gamble, all under the same roof. The idea of an entrance fee, no-credit to locals and other supposed regulations are fanciful ideas. You think after spending $5 billion building casinos, if the locals aren't coming in large numbers, the casino operators will not lean on the govt to relax the rules? If the Govt can force the people to accept a casino despite all the public outcry, how easy will it be to dispense with all these entry requirements somewhere down the road, maybe even just one year later? Studies have shown that ALL casinos that are successful internationally need a large proportion of local gamblers to sustain business. Local in this case = Singaporeans spending hard earned money at the expense of their families. It is easy to look at the "economic argument" (how many jobs, how much money will be spent building the place etc etc) but in reality it is much more complex. The intangible economic cost (loss in productivity, money spent in casino rather than other sectors of economy etc) plus the social cost might just be more than the benefit. In truth, SINGAPOREANS LEAD TOO COMFORTABLE A LIFE. We cannot imagine what a broken society even looks like, and we think we can manage a casino, a sanitized gaming resort. Nonsense. Everything is inter-related and we are bringing in something far different from the other risky ventures we have done in the past. Time will tell how this goes. Let's all pray that Singapore doesn't become a crime-ridden nation led by a corrupt Govt who only have $$$ on their minds. --------------------------------------------------- The above-mentioned comments r made purely in my humble opinion. No political, religious, or whatsoever agenda were intended, but if politicians want to read this and take notice and take action or whatever just go ahead.
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