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Everything posted by Calvin74ming

  1. Hi letting go around 3 cm plus pair for $150 on TDO food. Deal at yishun thx VID20241113003953.mp4
  2. Wts 3feet low profile tank with stand Previously wife used to keep turtle. Yishun $150 Self move
  3. Wts 2ft cube tank with cabinet 100$ yishun Self move
  4. Due at yishun thx . Only tank n cabinet $200
  5. Pm if keen thx VID-20240930-WA0008.mp4
  6. VID20240912001642.mp4 VID20240912001642.mp4
  7. VID_20240830005212.mp4
  8. Pm if interested VID_20240830005212.mp4
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