Selling phyto that I just harvested, 2 ltr bottle. Only 1 bottle available.
Cost sgd 11, location Punggol 821209A.
Fert used: F2
Must be collected by Friday this week.
I have red mushrooms, nice bright red. They are cockroaches of the sea. Cannot be killed or destroyed. Spread like wildfire and take over everything. You would think they can't be potent enough to kill an Acro, think again because they are. They sting your sps and that branch will lose its flesh in few hours. More venomous than viper.
Let me know if you are interested.
Have a bottle of Phyto that I harvested yesterday night. Won't be able to use it within 2 weeks hence selling.
Price sgd 8
1.5 litre bottle
Fert used f2
LOC 821209 punggol place
Everything works bro. I have used red sea blue bucket since 3 years, no complains. Personal opinion, I think all are more or less same. Cost different due to branding, marketing, demand and supply.
Broke some frags(fat fingers) while doing tank maintainance last month. Frags are all stable and occupying space on my frag rack.
Yellow spondage $12
2. Forest fire digi $10
3. Grafted Setosa(orange with hues of pink) $20
4. Light Purple stag $15
5. Red Stag $13
6. Red Montipora $5
6. Red monti with orange dots(sunburst monti?) $5
Location punggol 821209