After much consideration.. decided to decom my tank.. Corals will go 1st before fishes n equipments. Collection at bt panjang.. Price are fixed. Pm if keen.. Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
As per topic.. letting go my gonio garden consists of 10 different gonio which open nicely + a few extra that not opening well at $688.. Collection at bt panjang Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
Letting go my PT at $150.. come with 1 free damselfish Size around 4inch Very healthy and stable.. Been with me for nearly 2years. Collection at bt panjang Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
As topic... Captive bred majestic angelfish juvenile $88 Lightning maroon clown with rbta $80 Collection at bt panjang.. Both fish eating flakes, pellets and mysis/brineshrimp.. Pm ur contact for video if keen Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
All fish still avail.. Price revised QUEEN ANGEL - $188 CAPTIVE BRED MAJESTIC ANGEL JUVENILE- $90 WHITE TAIL BLACK TANG - $15 Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
Letting some fish 3" +/- Queen angel $200 Captive bred majestic angel juvenile $90 White tail black tang $15 Collection at bt panjang Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
hi all.. as mentioned.. letting go at $88.. 1 pc only.. collection at bt panjang... eating pellets mysis n brine shrimp.. hosting anemone as well.. reason to let go as keeping 1 pair of designer clownfish.. Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk