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Everything posted by SaltySpivia

  1. Finally done with my scaping and 2 jebao gyre to handle my flow with minimal dead spot
  2. Aquascape a rock with old epoxy that I have to fill up that gap
  3. Bro clear your pest issue before getting new rocks, or else you will just be transferring the problem over
  4. Change the scraping to a normal tank with 2 sided view instead of 3 sided, the rear of the tank is for wave makers and it will be covered up
  5. Oh no 1 more month before my tank will be ready for corals
  6. OK noted, i'm sure this lights can be fixed as all electronics can
  7. I suspect mine is this issue, but Reef Depot no longer has parts for this lights
  8. Hi I have 2 sets of AI vega, but I can't fixed it because they have stop the parts, any experts I can ask for help?, it's a waste to throw away the leds
  9. As above, RRP $100, clearing for $70 Unused
  10. Decided to flush out Display and keep looking for the right tool to target my watermarks and yes, i found IT, was even contemplating changing 1 side of the glass, problems solved
  11. Just finished reading your thread from pg 1 to pg 14, This is a bad hobby where we face failures but as long as you climb back after falling down, we will be taught with alot more new experiences, cheers to your tank, i'm thinking of getting r80 to try as well, but i have learnt to slow down, gonna do a 3 months cycle for my tank, now still doing initial cleaning, and i love your entire tank layout, was thinking should I change my main tank or just keep it and ignore it big headache, maybe i should talk to you to find out the cost for just your main tank
  12. Hi selling magnet, good well known magnet going for cheap at $40
  13. Slowly its transforming, finish cleaning up but i realise I did a mistake, wasted half a bucket of salt, sigh
  14. Finally cleaned and filled up with water, going to do a full cycling with zero fishes
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