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Everything posted by babyfishy

  1. sure.. mayb he also not sure lor.. nevermind.. learnt one lesson.. next time will be smarter loh..
  2. thanks bro... my mom has a 3ft empty tank, she is transferring now.. thanks alot..
  3. thanks, actually not trying to save $$.. becos i didnt noe that marine water requires a thicker "mm".. so when the lfs owner said that 6mm can be used, so i went ahead & bought that 4ft 6mm tank..
  4. abit confused leh. tube anemone as i gather the info from peteducation.com indicated "medium" light
  5. thanks for every one's help here.. can get instant help straightaway..
  6. thanks, have told my mom started to move all fishes, rocks & corals to another 3ft tank alrdy.. also will draw all water out to prevent the tank from bursting. i am jus asking for help & advise only.. not lamenting or blaming anyone on wat has happened. actually sometimes dun have to go on further by saying that i asked for it by buying a 6mm 4ft tank with cheapo silicon.. later say 6mm is good enuf, later kena blame for buying a tank with cheapo silicon haiz... i have mentioned that in the 1st place i was assured that the 6mm tank is suitable for saltwater, and now something happened and i seek help only, but end up being arrowed instead
  7. in the 1st place, the lfs owner said that 6mm thickness is suitable for marine setup.. how do i noe if the silicon is cheapo or not..
  8. i am trying to contact that lfs now, becos the tank is still under warranty. see wat the lfs owner can advise.. meanwhile my dad has used wooden planks to stable the tank abit not say the tank is over 1 yr.. jus bought & this has to happen
  9. mum's tank is 6mm thick.. isit sufficient for a saltwater setup? can tahan?
  10. if take out some of the saltwater and fishes will affect the tank in any way? i think mus do it slowly.. but can only transfer fishes & corals to pails.. my mom dun have any spare tanks at all.. how to redo.. the tank is still under warranty, hope can get a replacement, becos since the silicon can loosen, then the workmanship is not very fantastic the tank is 6mm thick only.. the uncle at the lfs says 6mm is alrite for saltwater
  11. very the cheem.. lucky got table to compute so your tank how many "mm"? shud i ask my mom to scoop some water & the fishes out of the tank for safety?
  12. i fed my hammer with brine shrimp also didnt eat.. choosy...
  13. i feed it when the bubbles are there.. i feed frozen brine shrimp yesterday, besides the usual calcium & trace elements
  14. LOW LIGHT 1)Bubbles 2)Moon coral 3)softies 4)Elegance 5)Plate coral 6)blastomussa 7)Galaxy 8)Jeweled Finger 9)Tube coral 10)Sea Fan 11)Christmas Tree 12)Bubble tip anemone NON LIGHT 1)sun coral 2)tube anemones 3) 4) 5) 6) MEDIUM LIGHT 1)Monti caps 2)Hammer 3)Button 4) 5) 6) HIGH LIGHT 1)Acroporas 2)Cactus coral 3)Cauliflower 4)Leather (sinularia) 5) 6)
  15. thanks.. so i bought the wrong white light. he told me that freshwater white light is whiter than the arcadia marine white.. and i believed him.. i still have the arcadia actinic blue box, will go and read it 2nite
  16. thanks bro.. quite cheem.. take time to digest
  17. wats the suitable minimum thickness for a marine tank? my mom's newly bought 4ft tank (about 2 mths) is giving way as the silicon holding the centre piece to the front & back glass had loosened, and now the tank is going sideways... should try to scoop out some water & the fishes? or jus leave it? will it further cause the tank to give way more?
  18. *another bad attitude lfs* a month ago when i was jus starting to setup a marine tank, went to one lfs in farmart centre to enquire about sea salt mix. when i enquire about the 'coralife' brand of sea salt mix, he told me that this brand is no good, and recommended me another one. this other one was in a transparent packaging, about 1 kg, and had no label on it. he said that this is the best sea salt mix to use becos it comes from ###### country (i forgot the name).. then i asked about the price, he told me it costs $18 for this packet (roughly about 1kg packaging). as i was not sure wat brand the sea salt was, then i said "ok, i consider 1st".. i have to consider mah guess wat he replied "wan to start marine, mus buy the best salt, cannot buy cheap salt.. lidat also dun wan to buy, then might as well dun start a marine tank at all" i was so pissed off..
  19. recently i went to one lfs to buy lighting for my marine tank. was told that the arcadia marine actinic blue is suitable for marine tanks, so i bought one. 1 week later, i went there wanting to buy a white light for my tank. the uncle told me to get the 'white light for freshwater tank' as it is whiter than the arcadia brand of marine white light. he said that the arcadia marine white light is rather 'yellowish' but when i brought it home, it was not as white as one of my normal white aquarium light. has anyone used the arcadia marine light? does it give out a yellowish light instead of white light?
  20. Oic. Mayb I shud rephrase my qn again. What types of food are suitable for soft & hard corals & anemones?
  21. hi, i have a few qns regarding coral feeding: 1) wat other types of coral food i can feed to them, besides adding strotium, calcium, trace elements & iodine? 2) how to feed corals? can i jus pour the required amount of liquid straight into the tank, or is there other ways of doing so? Thanks!!
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