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Everything posted by jonanaz

  1. Hello[emoji4] great setup you have there! Really love the simplicity if it!! Could I ask how you're finding the TP all-for-reef since you've been dosing it? Was thinking of trying it out too! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Just bought less than a month ago and used less than 20 pellets! Selling because it's too big for my small clownfishes. Selling for $10 Deal in the west Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Experiencing my first mushroom reproduction! Realised my baby yuma is going through pedal laceration and there's a small mushroom growing from the foot it left behind [emoji4] Decided to glue the shell it was growing on onto its own rock before it floats away [emoji23] this baby yuma came together with the huge yuma whose the centerpiece of my tank [emoji4] It's really these little things that makes this hobby so addictive to me [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Thank you [emoji4] already sinking very fast [emoji23][emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Oops looking back at my photos, I realised it's only been a month since i started adding livestock there were some challenges along the way too, like having aiptasia in the first week of adding livestock and a brooklynella scare all within this month! Also struggled with attaching xenia and mushroom corals to rocks since they slimed a lot HAHA
  6. Will do[emoji4] currently I'm limited to only a fan due to budget and space:( occasionally if the temperature goes over 28°C, I'll put ice packs in a ziplock bag and place it into the tank to cool it down [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. HAHA actually most of the SPS was given to me by a kind reefer[emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Thank you!! Hmmm currently the equipment i have on this tank include a Spectra Aquaknight V2, the return pump that came together with the tank and a dymax IQ skimmer, a fan and a jebao wavemaker! It's only a small 30L tank i got from Pinnacle Aquatics during the circuit breaker period I started out with dry rocks and livesand from Caribsea to prevent unwanted hitchhikers along the way! Initially I wanted to just keep softies and maybe a few LPS frags later on but a kind reefers donated SPS frags to me! So far they have been alright in my tank so hopefully I'll be able to keep them happy! I have much to learn from reefers here
  9. Decided to get into reefing after a lot of research during the Circuit breaker period. I've been keeping planted tanks for about a year now and I decided to take a plunge into the salty side of things! Took the time to cycle my tank for over a month too since no livestock could be added then! Here is my tank after 2 months! I guess this tank build could be considered a rather cost effective tank build as I'm currently still studying and I decided to try to find the best equipment that I could get that fell within my budget (which took a lot of researching and reading up HAHA). Really thankful for the more senior reefers here on this forum as well as really helpful LFSes who have helped me in this journey and even donated corals to me!
  10. Up! Still looking for small LPS frags [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Hmm I googled the image but i think its not:( thanks anyway! Here's a clearer picture of them ! Realised they have a bit of yellow on them Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Hello! Can i get some help in ID-ing this zoa/paly? its purple with a green mouth and the skirt is brown-ish. Thanks in advance!
  13. Hello:) is the toadstool still available? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Hello everyone! Could i get some help in ID-ing this zoa/paly? It has a green center and a purple ring. Thanks in advance!
  15. up! with picture in correct orientation this time!
  16. Up! still have 2 more rocks with palythoas for trade for any soft corals or zoas/palys!
  17. Looking for small beginner friendly LPS frags that are not expensive! Please PM if you're selling. Thanks in advance [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. Hello all! Posted in the pasar malam section but not sure if that was the right forum to post in! Im looking to trade some green palythoas for other zoas/palys or soft corals! Collection in the west. Do PM me!
  19. Up! Single polyp zoa frags or small soft coral frags are fine too[emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Sorry the previous photo is upside down! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Hello all! Managed to break more palythoa out since there are still to many for my tank [emoji28] looking to trade for some zoas/beginner corals [emoji4] please PM! deal in the west! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. I don't mind trading the nassarius snail for other small beginner coral frags too [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. Hello:) have a pretty large nassarius snail up for sale since it's way too big for my tank. Just got it today! Selling for $4 [emoji4] deal in the west! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. Hmm for now the skimmate is quite clear still? I just set up about 2 days back. I do have chemi pure elite in my back chamber:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  25. Yup they do! Did a water change today and it went down to around 10pp. So far I only added in corals and a skimmer. No new fish/inverts. The corals seem to be doing ok except the GSP that has decided to close up. The funny thing is that a frag from the same colony is open as per normal! Is that usual with GSP? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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