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Everything posted by Hootang

  1. Would u consider a sale? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Would have to pass.. Don't have space at the moment. But upz for your sale! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Wow! Didn't know plate can have this kind of tentacles that looks like torch! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Hi, can check where to deal? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. I c.. Was going to ask which brand of band saw would refers go to... Cos some have a tank facility (with hose) and some just really a home appliance.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Running eshops nano skimmer. Pretty good in my ios tank. Easily fits into 13x13
  7. Nice! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Hi would like to enquiry where can I get this done pls? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. I see.. Thanks alot for the sharing. Is this point and shoot or u gotta figure out your cam settings..
  10. Hi, can I check if you use filters for your iPhone? Or you played around with the main light itself? The photos look great by the way!
  11. I Bought the fauna marin ones. Quite good. At a marine shop in amk
  12. Hahah!!! Thanks.. I thought they eat meat one.
  13. Do clams need to be fed? I tried feeding frozen prawns but it spat it out....so wondering if they need to be fed. Mines a maxima.m
  14. Thank you. Would try that out....
  15. Ar ic.. Ok thanks alot.
  16. Hi, general qn regarding co2 scrubbers.. Has anyone diy a co2 scrubber before using a plastic mineral water bottle? Was wondering if it has the same effect? Tried to buy the fauna Marin ones but they are out of stock everywhere. Thanks.
  17. Hi, hijack your thread... From the mobius app, is there a way to temporary turn the light on full blast when it's within the night timing? I usually re adjust the night timing.. And press resume schedule... But abit troublesome to do that.
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