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Everything posted by shoelevy

  1. jus a quest to anione who can answer...i'm using resun cl650 which is 1/4hp if i'm not mistaken but it can cool a 1000L tank according to the manual y a 1/2hp can cool only 400L?
  2. he hasn't got his overflow box yet....but do post wen u got the pipes up ah
  3. he did post his diy overflow box
  4. oh wow! sth new to me! looks gross...to get rid of it increase circulation rite?
  5. ok...since u all gurus telling me to calm down don't worry...i will trust u all with my life! *lightning strikes* *roars* haha ok...will not bother with its weight and will keep u guys updated with the progress
  6. i still think the rockscape can be done better wat u wanna aim is to recreate reefs and that means creating cliffs that slope backwards
  7. i told u not to gan jiong chiong lfs ler see la....now fish suffer
  8. ok melvyn..once again...i take it u know wat u r saying because so far u haf been rite about al the things i asked u *looks like i foud my guru*
  9. u r refering to balcony or hdb flat rite???
  10. according to www.liveaquaria.com i quote "It is a shallow water species that thrives best in a 125 gallon aquarium with one male and up to ten females. When housed singly, 25 gallon tank is sufficient."
  11. melvyn...u alwaes know wat u r toknig about....i hope this time u also know wat u r toking about...i trust u! but if floor crack...i know which mr tan to look for ah! haha
  12. my home only 20yrs old...it isn't that old la plus my home isn't a HUDC...its a 5room massionette....so no additional stress to the pillar i suppose if according to wat u sae jus calculate vol of water assuming they fill up the spaces taken up by sand and water then i come with [ 161x61x(63-1-6) + 128 ]x1.022=693kg so total is 693+100(wt of tank)+equipment 50kg = 843kg wah...a whole 100kg difference from my initial estimate....so which one should i believe?
  13. u r my master....my jedi...my obi wan
  14. oh ya jus recalled sth the water level on the side where the overflow is is alwaes lower than the side farthest from it...this is because water flows into yr sump via the overflow so there must be a net flow of water toward the overflow from all regions of the tank...this means there must be a pressure gradient in the same direction. the press grad creates the same net flowrate as yr return pump...so if yr pump is too strong, the press grad will be big and since pressure is proportional to ht, so the stronger yr pump...the larger yr water level diff so don't be alarmed if u see one side of the tank with more water.
  15. ehe...yup...as i said..heng heng...planned to put there only because there got space...it wasn't because of the beam y do u sae high level more dangerous?
  16. it hink only subaru girls nice..the rest,,,, u gotta be kidding me rite? u're buying this car?
  17. oh my gosh...a snail in my tank alive...didn't die even though my market prawn now almost finsihed rotting hope the little guy survives to do my tank good
  18. hahaha don't forget to post pics of those babelicious girls!
  19. ok here's a picture of where my tank is with respect to the building structure see the 2 buldging portions of concrete...those are beams. the vertical one extends all the wae up from underground....the horizontal one stretches across the building. my tank is right beside them...whew...heng heng chose the right spot to put the tank market prawn is now half rotten...will do chem test again later
  20. i am really concerned about the weight lor....i had never expected the weight to come up to close to 1000. i only thought 800+. aniwae....i spoke to the guy who transported my tank...he said hdb only allows max a 4 footer...but he has transported many 5footers to hdb flats and no one gives a damn about applying for the permit.haha he said although hdb max permits up to 4 footer...there r many others who put 5footers in their hdb homes so he thinks max a hdb can take is a 5footer. but he also firmly believes its luck because he has transported a 6x2.5x2.5 to a flat and nothing happened but anaother client of his with a 4x2x2 ended up with cracks on the floor. so i guess 4footer is approved by hdb and if crack...jus too suay ah....5 footer need permit but no one applies and 6 footer is REALLY heng
  21. haha now that i look at the scaping again...it actually is kinda messy like i told u b4...big pieces below...tonga branches last to add
  22. i've decided to make a calculation of the weight of my tank so here it is tank measures: 163cm by 63 by 63cm after taking awae thickness of glass and thickness of sand below...the dimensions of water comes up to : 161 by 61 by 52.5cm (water is 5.5cm from top of tank and i assume half of my 8cm sand bed is filled with water - so its 63 - 1 - 5.5 - 4) thus...water volume without considering rocks and assuming oveflow compartment is full is 516L. individual sump compartment measurements give a total water vol of sump : 128L when i put the rocks in, i had to remove 3 pails of water totalling 50L thus weight of water : (516+128-50)x 1.022 (density of slt water) = 608kg estimate weight of tank to be 100kg - wat u guys think?...too heavy? thus, total weight: water + sand + rocks + equipment + hood + tank = 608 + 120 + 70 + est to be 50 + waitin to come + 100 > 948kg *head explodes*
  23. hey...the girl in the lower photo of yr 2nd post...i alwaes see her at car shows one...even appeared on newspaper....i remembered how my friend went crazy wen she pressed her b**ps on him while taking a photo at the last car show in singapore
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