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Everything posted by shoelevy

  1. hi guys i noticed tropic marin test kits are quite ex...and i do beleive in this industry tt as far as test kits are concerned...more ex is better. i needed to test po4 for my new tank after adding rowaphos so i bought the po4 tester at $30. to my surprise, it can actually test po4 levels as low as 0.01mg/L if i am not mistaken...this is lower than the popular brand salifert aniwae...i am pleased with this test kit anione has ani comments to add on the other test kits or this particular po4 test kit? by the wae, i'd like to take this opportunity to sae how pleased i am with rowaphos! it reduced my po4 levels from 1ppm to not detectable by this test kit in just 5 days!!! (test kit is working)
  2. ok i made some calls to lfs asking them wat's wrong tt caused the bleaching and here's wat they said hope other newbies will learn from this they told me there are 4 primary reasons for y bleaching occurs 1)low iodine levels 2)no feeding of coral foods 3)high water temp 4)low lights when i described my symptoms of button polyp slight bleaching, finger leather full scale bleaching and mushies no problem...they all said confidently that it was low lights. cause mushies is the only one out of the 3 tt can tahan low lights. if 1 2 or 3 were the reason behind the bleaching...then ALL of the corals would bleach...but since mushies were not affected...so it must haf been low lights anwiae...thank buddha i found someone to take them in...
  3. better test yr amoonia and nittrite that's the only wae to be sure when u can add more fish
  4. ok looks like some peolpe r telling me heh bee won't work since its dried up and so has not much DOC to offer my tank and since i don't wanna buy one whole packet of market prawns just so tt i can use one for cycling, i've decided to ask some lfs and a couple susgested putting in frozen brine shrimp and mysis shrimp and let them rot!!! don't know if it'll work but no harm trying....so there...now i haf 3 cubes of mysis rotting out in my tank
  5. brother don't shoot me la its because i made a mistake with my 4footer with these 2 corals tt's y now i know how important patience and attitude is lor these 2 coral's fate is as a result of a younger stupid me
  6. ok since no one wanna help me i am forced to gif them awae first to contact me gets them 91697799
  7. my ref only bout a foot deep. i'm eyeing this 11w pl. would it be ok?
  8. will someone PLEASE take them in?! they're dying....help me and them@!
  9. fellow brothers...i got a quest regarding my refugium...how much power should i use for the lights to keep caulerpa?
  10. huh? bro melvyn i know u r refering to me lor but i don't get wat u r saying? did i do sth wrong with the heh bee?
  11. i never use any anti siphon device. my method is simple see the mouth at the near the surface? when blackout, since the mouth is at the surface, it siphons little if any water back into sump and then air fills the pipe and the siphoning action stops my sump can take the extra water from the IOS plus the little water tt comes from siphoning action of the return pipings. no worries bro! at first i didn't haf the mouth near the surface...then shortly after i setup, the pump spoil....FLOOD!!!....lucky i was home to stop it! haha so then i decided to add the mouth at the top and now no problems ler
  12. that's very true....must be patient and attitude must be rite...must alwaes think of fishes as lifes and not something cheap
  13. ok! after 1 whole week, i've not detected a single trace of ammonia so i haf no choice but to add in one small heh bee! dried shirmp! i'll add it in...let it rot....then kick start the cycling!
  14. the button polyps u see on the right are also bleaching but not as bad...if u wanan take them as gaurdian pls do so also same...frag them if u like but return them after my new tank is done
  15. hi guys i'm very sad to announce tt i am uncapable of keeping my softie think is leather coral possibly due to low lights. its been bleaching for 2 weeks now despite my efforts to stop it. i would like for someone to take it awae tonite, keep it until my 5 footer is rweady for lifestocks then i would like to haf it back. the benefit for the gaurdian would be u can do watever u like with it...u can frag it wateve...as long as u take care of it until i can haf it bak....pls contact me at 91697799 if u r interested its tonite! the picture shows the left side still not bleached and those tt r not open on the rite are almost fully bleached
  16. mine's a softie....aiya...sian...can't find out the prob with it. i was suspecting low lights but its bleached so much i don't think it'll last long enough to wait to be transfered to my 5footer with mh lights....will some kind soul take it in and keep it until i can bring it back? u wanna frag it also can....as long as u help...think i'll post a new thread on this
  17. thanks bro....stacked one whole dump of newspapers below....thanks for telling
  18. bro u put it very well exactly the wae i would haf put it if my eng were tt good
  19. oh yeah i did a blackout test it didn't flood the sump....its fine...no flood
  20. think that's diatoms its normal don't worry
  21. clowns r not hardy they r not cycling fishes neither r cardinals and dottybacks suitable only damsels
  22. question:does high phosphate level cause bleaching?
  23. u should dump in yr fishes after yr cycling is complete....to know wen complete....test ammonia and nitrite...after u see a peak in both and nitrite remains 0 for a week...then cycling is done and u can add fishes in. but i would recommend 1 per week or max 2 per week bro melvyn's wae of adding...dump one shot...ah........i don't recommend ah
  24. blue devil damsel will survive the spike but u shouldn't haf used fishes for the source of ammonia to cycle..u cuold haf thrown in a market prawn let it rot or put liverocks in die offs will trigger the ammonia spike tt will start cycling
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