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Everything posted by shoelevy

  1. its ok....at least u were trying to show how coralline needs lights to grow....its sth i wanna find out and u've set it straight
  2. brother astroboi's dispars r feeding on pellets...
  3. oh i see aiya...y u rely on maid?...couldn't u haf used auto feeder and feed them pellets?
  4. if u feed lesser quantities? wat'll happen? die ah?
  5. my only advice is u r giong to draw 10amps....gaurantee those multiplugs that u use will be very very hot...go for good brands of multiplugs such as duraplugs(almost extinct) or mk. damn solid these 2 because these haf very good internal connections and use pure copper to lower resistance. if u use lousy ones...poor copper quality and poor internal connections=increased resistance=increased heat output=plug gets hot=resistance increase=plug gets hotter=resistance gets higher....... u can see where i'm driving at rite? btw...check how much current yr circuit breaker box can take before it cuts off. yr fish tank draw 10amps already....scarlee one dae u invite people over....on tv on air con on radio on computer on lights on fans not to mention fridge also on...if more than wat the circuit breaker can take then byebye!...trip!
  6. u might wanna check out the one i'm using by kent marine...gauranteed scrub off coralline with 2 strokes http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=24343&st=60 (6th post fmo the bottom) or if u prefer to save money adn diy http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=13746&hl=algae
  7. wow very nice! ryz...r the bottom 3 males and top 3 females?
  8. mine 0.5 hr later got foam lo haha...but that's cos i set the water level at the highest part of the narrowing neck so the foam forms quickly but its also very dilute when the foam forms depends on the water level u set at the narrowing neck if i'm not mistaken the lower the water level the longer it take for tthe foam to form but the thicker it is if u put it at the lowest part of the neck u need to wait 3-4daes b4 the foam forms.this is known as the break in period of the skimmer
  9. GARF's method is to maintain high Mg? dun mind this stupid one asking but y high mg promotes coralline growth?
  10. if like tt u not making full use of the pump lor mite as well get seio 620
  11. tanks very ex....my advice...get one from src...look around or post a wtb....recently got 2 selling 4x2x2 with sump...look for them
  12. 30!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
  13. meaning the bact eats the deniballs and produces chemicals that reduce nitrate to nitro gas?
  14. rowa yes to prevent build up of po4 which may lead to algae bloom during cycling carbon NO....carbon removes DOC if i'm not mistaken but that's exactly wat u wanna haf in yr tank cos DOC is food for bact so don't put yet btw...ju advice...u should add more rocks i think btw...wat's biohome for?
  15. y do we haf to feed the bact? doesn't the bact get its nutrients from the water dripping in?
  16. its 3200L/hr if i'm not wrong aquam*rin selling it cheap..not sure though might wanna call them first
  17. on my rocks...they've appeared as spots on rocks. lights don't cause coralline to grow?...then y people put actinic to promote its growth i never dose cal...the only thing i added was the element booster from the coral life salt
  18. hm...can i ask u sth? i quote "The anaerobic heterotrophs will perform denitrification." denitrification is a process where no3 is converted to n2 gas rite? so no3 is food for the heterotrophs ya? according to "Autotroph meaning the organism is able to synthesize its own food from inorganic substances and heterotroph meaning an organism that cannot synthesize its own food and dependent on organic substances." since no3 is not an organic compound since it contains no C atoms...so the anaerobic bact doesn't feed on organic comp so according to yr definition, shouldn't the anaerobic bacts be called autotrophs instead of heterotrophs? jus sth that puzzled me...no offense to shoot u blueheaven
  19. issit possible coralline starts to grow at this stage under the influence of the evening sun shining into my tank? my eyes seems to tell me come coralline is growing but i'm not sure though....need some guru to comment on wat my eyes saw
  20. wonder if he manage to make any children...?
  21. wat could haf caused the infection? oh ya...i've been feeding flake food which floats for the past week...each time the maroon goes for the flakes i see it spitting tiny bubbles out. is it possible the bloat is caused because it swallowed bubbles?
  22. my maroon clown developed bloated tummy and can't swim properly...it keeps floating up. i've changed nothing except fed baby brine shrimp once that i hatched on my own. anione knows wat's wrong?
  23. try lifting the pump higher common problem is the pump has been placed too deep the water pressure is so high air cannot enter from the atmosphere even though bernoilli's is at work get bak to us after u try wat i said my friend's as100 needs to place pump at 1-2cm from surface mine as 350 at 10cm. so u try anything between 2-6cm
  24. well...jus to add on...my dad who's alwaes rite bout things jus like melvyn in saes hdb gotta consider possibility of my house hosting party..then house fully jammed...the space on which the tank sits can fit 12 people of average wt 70kg...that'll come up to 840kg. hdb has a buffer of 2times...which means actual structure can take 1680kg. jus sth extra ah
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