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Everything posted by shoelevy

  1. one buyer backed out left for 2 people to buy
  2. what i thnk is you may clean your wool less but all that raw water is gonna make your skimmer pump dirty that means you needa clean your pump more regularly
  3. i feed aquapharm's 5 in 1 coral food every 2 days as according to the instructions it still gaps.... any ideas?
  4. my lobophyllia recently decided to not open and gaps its several mouths and the lights are on any ideas why guys? water parameters: ca 380 mg 1200 ph 8.3 kh 9 no3 20ppm other corals seem to be doing fine though appreciate inputs and suggestions
  5. one lfs told my friend that AT can be introduced as first fish into new tank very surprised and angry to hear that
  6. collection pt is at boon keng, near reborn
  7. i've got a 1.5ft tank full of caulerpa. my tank's too big for them to work on nutrients export so i've decided to sell them along with the rocks they're attached to there's ALOT so i've decided to sell it off to 3 people selling for $2 per person...each person should get as much as what the lfs sells (i hope i'm not wrong on this) please bring your own bag ready for collection thank you
  8. both of my sailfins very docile...don't fight new fishes perhaps different fishes got different character or its prob because my tank has lots of fishes so i guess the tangs have learnt to coexist with other fishes. just my opinion oh, sth else to add, when i intro my yellow tang 3 mths after the sailfins have been in the tank, i put it in a betta box for 1-2days first and let the sailfins get used to it after i release it, slight fighting only for 5mins. perhaps this method works. again, just my opinion
  9. garlic contains certain nutrients and antioxidents that keep your fish healthy and boost their immune system that's why feeding with garlic is a form of remedy for ich attack
  10. bro...to a certain extent he is correct it really depends on your equipment and how's the temperature like in your home if temp in your tank goes above 30...either you get fan or chiller or else corals up lorry of course if u're keeping just fishes then nothing wrong with no chiller
  11. hah...extremely interesting...very clean too
  12. your return pump intake is exposed to air? if it is it'll suck air and blow out bubbles
  13. just a question..how long can the lifestocks sustain themselves before they start dying when there's a power failure? assuming a typical say 3foot tank with sps lps and moderate stockings of fish?
  14. actually, i suppose jus alittle bit of make up won't harm ba but i mean VERY little, like perhaps some powder on cheek bones and a slight gloss beyond that, i will not try
  15. why do u sae that? inaccurate even with the salifert test kit?
  16. instructions behind to show the ease of use
  17. i've got a Aqua Ca test kit for sale its good for another 25 tests bought it at $18.50 selling for $6/- test resolution is 50ppm ready for collection at boon keng contact me if interested thanks
  18. my personal experience is the same as that of bro alpha last month, my mg dropped to 700ppm because i've not checked for months at 700ppm, the kh fell extremely fast, from 10 to 6 in just one week as opposed to the normal 10 to 8 for my tank so i can say that allowing mg to be around 800ppm is definitely not good as i boosted the Mg, i discovered that once the Mg reaches about 1100ppm, kh no longer drops fast. if you're gonna allow Mg to drop to 200ppm only, MM, i think your tank will crash because kh will drop and that'll cause ph fluctuations
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